Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

Traditional Incense Smokers Used in German Festivals Came From Folklore and Superstition

Incense has played an important part in German history.
Much the same as with gold and gemstones in the past, incense was considered to be one of the most precious materials one could own or receive as a gift.
Throughout thousands of years of history, incense was frequently given to emperors and kings as gifts of tribute.
It is even written in the bible that Three Wise Men came bearing gold, frankincense and myrrh as gifts for the newly born baby Jesus.
The use of incense is alive and well in Germany.
Continuing a long German tradition, on January 6th of each year the German people still celebrate the Heilige Drei Konig or Three Saint Kings festival.
It is a state holiday in Bavaria, Baden Wurttemberg and Sachsen-Anhalt.
The Raunachte is another interesting time of the season.
It begins on the evening of December 25th and lasts until January 6th, so it includes the last six nights of the old year and the first six nights of the new year.
Ancient beliefs and traditions have grown up around these 12 nights.
According to German superstitions, the wild huntsman Odin travels through the air during these long winter nights, scaring everyone who meets him during his travels.
Not only is Odin on the prowl, but also his wife, Frau Holle.
Perhaps the most feared of all is Berchta, the goddess of winter.
She is said to roam the countryside and to enter homes on Twelfth Night.
Berchta would know whether or not children and young servants had worked hard throughout the year.
They might be rewarded with a small silver coin if they had performed their duties well.
If not, it was feared that she would cut their bellies open and stuff the opening with straw, sticks or rocks.
Berchta was most concerned in seeing that girls had spun their entire allotment of wool and flax during the year.
Out of these superstitions came the belief that people could ward themselves against these evil beings and drive away uninvited spirits by making a great deal of noise and keeping their homes and surroundings well lit.
After the spirits had been driven from the home, people would often burn incense to cleanse and bless the home.
Incense would be carried to every room to help ensure that the spirits did not re-enter their homes.
Thus, the importance of incense in German culture had its beginnings.
In the earliest times, cone incense was put on display and burnt down in the open.
This changed when Rauchermann, which are hollow incense burning figurines, began to be carved into the shapes of traditional craftsmen of the region.
For example, figures carved in the forms of peddlers, miners, foresters, and soldiers were quite common.
The incense cone is placed inside the Rauchermann and burns down inside of the hollow figurine.
The smoke flows out through a hole, which is normally the mouth of the Rauchermann.
In many parts of the world, Rauchermann have been dubbed "Smokers" or " Smoking Men", and are prominently displayed items throughout the Christmas season.
The first known Smoking Men were carved in the Erzgebirge Mountains region of Germany.
At one time the Erzgebirge Mountains, also known as "Ore Mountains", were mined for metal ore and rare minerals.
The miners would work in the mines by day, and during the long evenings, many began carving smoker figurines to use during the Raunachte.
After the mines played out and most of the miners needed to find a new form of income, a lot of them turned to toy making, and began carving wooden toys full time.
Many of the smokers and nutcrackers crafted in the Erzgebirge region today are made by direct descendants of those original miners.
One of the most well know smoker and nutcracker makers in Germany is the Steinbach family.
For five generations, the Steinbach family has been producing hand crafted wooden incense smokers and nutcrackers using all German materials and time-honored traditions.
Collectors of Steinbach items avidly await the release of Steinbach's newest smoker and nutcracker releases each year.
People from all over the world now use Steinbach items when decorating their homes during the Christmas holiday season.
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