- 1
The city of Curst
Play through the game until the party travels to the city called Curst for a second time and finds that the entire city has slid into the neighboring plane of existence, called Carceri, because of the evil actions of the citizens. - 2
Curst has disappeared.
Walk up to the metal awning covered with skulls in the center of the area and speak with the skulls, who will reveal what has happened to the city. Enter the portal nearby to be taken to Carceri. - 3). Speak with the various people in the new city of Carceri and encourage them to commit good deeds and to put aside their base greed and petty differences. The city will only return to its rightful spot on the Outlands if the selfish evil in the area is leveled out.
- 4
Curst in Carceri
Run east of where you appear after going through the portal and kill all of the demon creatures that are attacking the citizens. If you slay them all before they can kill eight or more of the people, you will receive a hefty experience award and move the city one step closer to returning to the Outlands. - 5). Move north through the city, committing good deeds and talking the people out of looting stores or attacking each other. Save the man named Berrog who is trapped under a fallen cart, defeat the criminals who are accosting the woman named Jasiyla, and prevent the angry mob from tearing apart the town's former judge. If you have high charisma, intelligence and wisdom scores, there will be extra dialog options present that will help make these deeds easier to complete and will speed up the town's return to the Outlands.
- 6). Break up the second mob that is forming nearby and trying to kill another town leader, then stop the slavers trying to steal people in the chaos and finally go into the warehouse and convince the looters to stop what they are doing and help defend the town from the attacking demons.
- 7
The fallen angel Trias
Complete the town's return to its home plane of existence by going inside the large building at the far north of the area and killing the fallen angel named Trias. After Trias is dead, Curst will slide back into the Outlands.