So you like lasagna.
You like salmon, too.
Why not get both with a smoked salmon recipe for lasagna? You read that right.
You can make smoked salmon lasagna.
What's more, you can make it anytime, anywhere.
All you need is the standard equipment a regular kitchen carries, fish you either buy or catch yourself, and a few ingredients you may not even have to make a trip to the grocery for (because odds are, you already have them in your cupboard).
Ingredients: 1 bunch of green spinach leaves (wash them and remove the stems) 16 ounces of smoked salmon Alfredo Sauce (or any sauce that you like; your sauce can be homemade or store-bought) 1 box of lasagna noodles capers a small amount of butter (this is for your pan) Steps: 1.
Steam the spinach.
Make your own batch of Alfredo Sauce.
If you don't have the time or the inclination for this, buy the sauce.
It doesn't matter whether you use homemade or store-bought sauce.
You'll end up with the same tasty lasagna if you follow this smoked salmon recipe.
Turn the heat off.
Then, add 16 ounces of smoked Salmon to your pot.
(Be sure that the salmon skin has been removed and it has been broken up into small flakes.
) 4.
Put a box of lasagna noodles in a large pot.
Boil until the noodles have been cooked to firm perfection.
Be careful not overdo it.
Remember, you will be cooking the noodles again when you bake it.
Strain the noodles.
Then, rinse using cold water.
Butter up the sides and bottom of a lasagna-baking pan.
Layer Alfredo Sauce thinly on the bottom of the pan.
Layer lasagna noodles onto your pan and then add a layer of Alfredo Sauce and steamed spinach on top of it.
Keep making more layers until you've run out of Alfredo Sauce, smoked salmon, and lasagna noodles.
Make sure that your top layer is made up of Alfredo sauce and lasagna noodles, nothing else.
Put 1/4 cup of capers on top of your lasagna.
The capers should have been drained of its vinegar liquid.
Pop the lasagna into the oven.
Leave it to cook for an hour, at 350 Fahrenheit.
Check on your lasagna to make sure you do not burn the noodles' edges.
Let your lasagna set for 10 minutes before you serve it.
Try this smoked salmon recipe and see for yourself just how delicious it is! Enjoy!
You like salmon, too.
Why not get both with a smoked salmon recipe for lasagna? You read that right.
You can make smoked salmon lasagna.
What's more, you can make it anytime, anywhere.
All you need is the standard equipment a regular kitchen carries, fish you either buy or catch yourself, and a few ingredients you may not even have to make a trip to the grocery for (because odds are, you already have them in your cupboard).
Ingredients: 1 bunch of green spinach leaves (wash them and remove the stems) 16 ounces of smoked salmon Alfredo Sauce (or any sauce that you like; your sauce can be homemade or store-bought) 1 box of lasagna noodles capers a small amount of butter (this is for your pan) Steps: 1.
Steam the spinach.
Make your own batch of Alfredo Sauce.
If you don't have the time or the inclination for this, buy the sauce.
It doesn't matter whether you use homemade or store-bought sauce.
You'll end up with the same tasty lasagna if you follow this smoked salmon recipe.
Turn the heat off.
Then, add 16 ounces of smoked Salmon to your pot.
(Be sure that the salmon skin has been removed and it has been broken up into small flakes.
) 4.
Put a box of lasagna noodles in a large pot.
Boil until the noodles have been cooked to firm perfection.
Be careful not overdo it.
Remember, you will be cooking the noodles again when you bake it.
Strain the noodles.
Then, rinse using cold water.
Butter up the sides and bottom of a lasagna-baking pan.
Layer Alfredo Sauce thinly on the bottom of the pan.
Layer lasagna noodles onto your pan and then add a layer of Alfredo Sauce and steamed spinach on top of it.
Keep making more layers until you've run out of Alfredo Sauce, smoked salmon, and lasagna noodles.
Make sure that your top layer is made up of Alfredo sauce and lasagna noodles, nothing else.
Put 1/4 cup of capers on top of your lasagna.
The capers should have been drained of its vinegar liquid.
Pop the lasagna into the oven.
Leave it to cook for an hour, at 350 Fahrenheit.
Check on your lasagna to make sure you do not burn the noodles' edges.
Let your lasagna set for 10 minutes before you serve it.
Try this smoked salmon recipe and see for yourself just how delicious it is! Enjoy!