Ever since the release of Windows Vista by Microsoft in 2007, it has come across several criticism, adulation and condemnation from its users. Microsoft had won hearts with its release of Windows XP Service Pack 2 in August, 2004. But it failed miserably to keep up the momentum with its so called upgraded version. Users have reported several problems related to Windows Vista. Some of the common ones have been listed below-
Problem 1
Firstly, the site advisor doesn't seem to function properly. A message box displays an error message, "Site Advisor has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available."
Problem 2
The next problem is related to the right click send to mail option. There are no issues with it whatsoever while working in Windows XP. But it shows no response while working in Windows Vista.
Problem 3
The third problem is with the 'Windows easy transfer' function. In Windows Vista, the process of transfer freezes at the time of calculating the file size, which is to be transferred.
Problem 4
Another bugging issue, which is pretty common in Windows Vista, is with the Windows Host Process. Several error messages pop up saying "rundll32 has stopped working. Sometimes, the system advises to unregister this item.
Problem 5
This particular problem is generally faced in the premium version of Windows Vista. Some of the start up programs get blocked while booting. A message is displayed on the screen which says "Some programs have been blocked".
Do you find all these issues too complicated for you to comprehend? If your answer is 'yes' to this question, then you are in the majority. Most computer users, who are from non-technical background, tend to find all these technical intricacies too confusing and perplexing. In such a scenario it is better that you let the experts handle the issues. That is, in case you face similar problems which are mentioned above, you should avail computer support.
Remote PC Support- A Basic Idea
Most computer users are reluctant to avail computer support for their PCs. Even if they do, they look for the traditional and outdated onsite support. But the fact which most of them are not aware of is that, more than 90% onsite support technicians are freshers and novice. An expert technical expert is too busy to roam around and attend onsite calls. As a result, whenever you are looking to avail onsite support, you are actually risking your PC's health, big time, by handing it over to inexperienced technicians.
Therefore, in case you are looking to give your PC, the necessary computer support, it is better that you avail remote support, ahead of conventional onsite support. By availing remote support, you get instant solutions to all kinds of technical problems. And also, you get to support your PC from highly skilled and experienced technical experts. Moreover, Services are available round the clock, and that too, at prices much cheaper than that of onsite support.
Problem 1
Firstly, the site advisor doesn't seem to function properly. A message box displays an error message, "Site Advisor has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available."
Problem 2
The next problem is related to the right click send to mail option. There are no issues with it whatsoever while working in Windows XP. But it shows no response while working in Windows Vista.
Problem 3
The third problem is with the 'Windows easy transfer' function. In Windows Vista, the process of transfer freezes at the time of calculating the file size, which is to be transferred.
Problem 4
Another bugging issue, which is pretty common in Windows Vista, is with the Windows Host Process. Several error messages pop up saying "rundll32 has stopped working. Sometimes, the system advises to unregister this item.
Problem 5
This particular problem is generally faced in the premium version of Windows Vista. Some of the start up programs get blocked while booting. A message is displayed on the screen which says "Some programs have been blocked".
Do you find all these issues too complicated for you to comprehend? If your answer is 'yes' to this question, then you are in the majority. Most computer users, who are from non-technical background, tend to find all these technical intricacies too confusing and perplexing. In such a scenario it is better that you let the experts handle the issues. That is, in case you face similar problems which are mentioned above, you should avail computer support.
Remote PC Support- A Basic Idea
Most computer users are reluctant to avail computer support for their PCs. Even if they do, they look for the traditional and outdated onsite support. But the fact which most of them are not aware of is that, more than 90% onsite support technicians are freshers and novice. An expert technical expert is too busy to roam around and attend onsite calls. As a result, whenever you are looking to avail onsite support, you are actually risking your PC's health, big time, by handing it over to inexperienced technicians.
Therefore, in case you are looking to give your PC, the necessary computer support, it is better that you avail remote support, ahead of conventional onsite support. By availing remote support, you get instant solutions to all kinds of technical problems. And also, you get to support your PC from highly skilled and experienced technical experts. Moreover, Services are available round the clock, and that too, at prices much cheaper than that of onsite support.