Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

How to Make Money With Your Camera This Christmas - The Xmas Market For Microstock Photography

I don't know if you realise but one of the top searched word/phrase in Microstock Photography is 'flower'.
One of the second most searched terms is 'Christmas'.
So you can see that the market potential for this time of year is enormous.
Hang on, before you dash and get your camera and turn on the tree lights think about the subject.
The word 'Christmas' has been searched since September, steadily climbing up the keyword ranking so in actual fact - this year at least, you've missed the boat, so to speak! The market for Microstock images is very seasonal and therefore you need to meet the market demands at the required time.
When you upload your photos to a library, usually the latest uploads are searched before the earlier ones.
So by uploading your Christmas images now you will have missed the major searches and next year your images will be well down the queue.
Microstock Photography is a long term investment so in reality the images that you shoot now need to be uploaded during September next year.
This will then put your images amongst the top of the pile in next years Christmas searches.
I realise that you will be keen to get your images uploaded but if you want to market your images to their full potential and reap the rewards, upload in September.
The reason that you shoot your next years uploads now is because the subjects are all around you.
In fact you can't go anywhere without spotting a photo opportunity.
So in reality you will have around nine months to edit, tweak, title and keyword your pictures.
When September arrives, there'll be no wondering of what to upload, you'll be sat at your PC like a coiled spring ready to hit the 'Upload' button.
With the time that you've had to spend on accurate keywords and carefully editing your submission you will be dominating the Christmas market.
Let's have a look at the Christmas market for you photographs; The subject of Christmas covers every possibility.
Listed below is the top searches related to Christmas.
Take a look at the images that are being uploaded as we speak.
You will see the classic bauble shot, one in focus the other blurred.
Miles and miles of decorations, lights in focus, out of focus and with and without the 'Star' effect filters etc.
Then there's the food and drink, on the table in the hand on a plate and isolated.
Yes we've seen 'em all! So how do we set about the market domination when it's obviously a very popular subject.
Well you've already off the mark when you start to upload next September.
The images that you upload will be fresh in the libraries files and at the top of the searches.
This brings me to the keywords.
As with any subject, research this years keywords of the files that are being downloaded.
Pick out the reoccurring keywords that are being searched.
A word of warning though - The libraries don't take kindly to what's termed as keyword spamming.
In other words select only the appropriate keywords for the image.
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