If you're not into science, you have probably haven't heard about the 2012 magnetic polar reversal.
However it's possible--even the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) believe it's a possibility.
Those who believe in the possible 2012 Doomsday also believe there will be a polar shift, but have a different viewpoint.
NASA feels the polar shift will happen with the Sun, while the critics believe it will be the Earth that undergoes a major polar reversal.
You probably didn't know that the last total magnetic polar reversal happened in 2001.
The Sun undergoes this type of phenomenon every 11 years, which is why the next polar shift is supposed to happen in 2012.
When a magnetic polar reversal happens, the Sun will change its north magnetic fields so they point south, while the south fields will turn and point towards the north.
This isn't an obvious flipping, and most have no idea it happens.
The same transformation takes place when the Earth undergoes a total magnetic polar shift.
The major difference is it isn't as common for the Earth to go through such an experience.
It is very irregular, as it can happen as fast as every 5,000 years or as slow as every five million years.
On average, the Earth goes through a magnetic polar reversal about every 300,000 years.
The last recorded total magnetic polar shift happened about 780,000 years ago.
Some say we're due for a shift, which is why the 2012 magnetic polar reversal is a possibility.
On the other hand, no one truly knows whether this is the case of not.
It could really happen at any time or could be another million years.
NASA says the Earth's polar reversal doesn't happen like the Sun's, as it happens very slowly.
It usually takes between 1,000 and 5,000 years to occur.
Doomsdayers say there is one way for a fast reversal to take place on the earth.
This is when a big heavenly body collides with the earth and sets it off its orbit, which will then cause devastation.
The Sun going through the 2012 magnetic polar reversal may also cause problems, unlike anything ever experienced.
The reason is NASA has recently found two holes on the Earth's magnetosphere.
This is what protects us from the charged particles flying from out of outer space.
If a charged particle gets through the atmosphere, it can affect our overall living.
This means computers won't work and more people will experience radiation-induced cancer.
It could totally change the way we live life, especially since most rely on technology to get us through a day.
Even worse, a 2012 magnetic polar reversal could cause the Sun to emit more solar wind.
This could trigger a polar shift of the earth.
While much of this is just theories, it's important you prepare for all possibilities.
This is why reading "2012 Contact" will be helpful to knowing how to survive ultimate devastation.
It could be the difference between life and death.
However it's possible--even the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) believe it's a possibility.
Those who believe in the possible 2012 Doomsday also believe there will be a polar shift, but have a different viewpoint.
NASA feels the polar shift will happen with the Sun, while the critics believe it will be the Earth that undergoes a major polar reversal.
You probably didn't know that the last total magnetic polar reversal happened in 2001.
The Sun undergoes this type of phenomenon every 11 years, which is why the next polar shift is supposed to happen in 2012.
When a magnetic polar reversal happens, the Sun will change its north magnetic fields so they point south, while the south fields will turn and point towards the north.
This isn't an obvious flipping, and most have no idea it happens.
The same transformation takes place when the Earth undergoes a total magnetic polar shift.
The major difference is it isn't as common for the Earth to go through such an experience.
It is very irregular, as it can happen as fast as every 5,000 years or as slow as every five million years.
On average, the Earth goes through a magnetic polar reversal about every 300,000 years.
The last recorded total magnetic polar shift happened about 780,000 years ago.
Some say we're due for a shift, which is why the 2012 magnetic polar reversal is a possibility.
On the other hand, no one truly knows whether this is the case of not.
It could really happen at any time or could be another million years.
NASA says the Earth's polar reversal doesn't happen like the Sun's, as it happens very slowly.
It usually takes between 1,000 and 5,000 years to occur.
Doomsdayers say there is one way for a fast reversal to take place on the earth.
This is when a big heavenly body collides with the earth and sets it off its orbit, which will then cause devastation.
The Sun going through the 2012 magnetic polar reversal may also cause problems, unlike anything ever experienced.
The reason is NASA has recently found two holes on the Earth's magnetosphere.
This is what protects us from the charged particles flying from out of outer space.
If a charged particle gets through the atmosphere, it can affect our overall living.
This means computers won't work and more people will experience radiation-induced cancer.
It could totally change the way we live life, especially since most rely on technology to get us through a day.
Even worse, a 2012 magnetic polar reversal could cause the Sun to emit more solar wind.
This could trigger a polar shift of the earth.
While much of this is just theories, it's important you prepare for all possibilities.
This is why reading "2012 Contact" will be helpful to knowing how to survive ultimate devastation.
It could be the difference between life and death.