The Smurfit School of Business at the University College Dublin, Ireland is offering some great scholarships to select students for their MBA and MSc programs. In addition, the Irish University Association has also announced some full scholarships, covering 100% of tuition fee and living expenses, specifically for Indian post graduate students who join one of the six listed Universities in Ireland.
UCD Smurfit School is the only Business school in Ireland and one of less than 60
worldwide to hold the triple crown of accreditation AACSB (US), EQUIS (Europe) and AMBA (UK). The schools programs are consistently ranked in the top 100 in the Economist and Financial Times rankings, the only Irish school to be so placed.
The largest University in Ireland, University College Dublin has the largest suite of
programs, and also has excellent courses in Engineering, IT, Biosciences and a host of
other areas. Here are some reasons why top Indian students choose to further their
education at UCD:
1 year post study visa means that you have extra time to find a job in Ireland
After after you graduate.
UCD is Irelands largest University with the only dedicated International Student
UCDs Career Development Centre provides advice and guidance to students and
recent graduates. UCD Career Development centre run career advice workshops
specifically for international student throughout the year.
Dublin is the Silicon Valley of Europe-The European Headquarters of Google,
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter are all located in Dublin - IBM, Microsoft, HP and
Intel are also located in Ireland.
Life Sciences - Ireland is the No. 1 European location for international
pharmaceutical investment - Companies such as Zurich, Pfizer (Wyeth), Merck
(Schering Plough), Johnson & Johnson, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Lilly, Novartis,
Boston Scientific, Medtronic Bausch & Lomb Baxter Abbott have invested in
Financial Services - The International Financial Services Centre has been an
outstanding success story in the Irish economy over the last 20 years, employing
in excess of 25,000 people and generating 35% of Irish service exports.
Citigroup, Bank of America/MBNA, Merrill Lynch, HSBC, Prudential, Allianz, Bank
of New York/ Mellon, GE Money, AIG all do business in Ireland.
UCD Smurfit Graduate Business School is currently ranked in the top 100 of
Business Schools worldwide. Results from the Financial Times for the MBA
programme at UCD Smurfit School reveal an increase in average graduate
salaries of 64% in the three years since graduation, with the programme ranked
5th in the world for value for money.
Almost one thousand overseas companies use Ireland as their European base
including Google, Intel, Yahoo, Adobe, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Apple and
And lastly, for those also looking at part time work, at Euro 8.65 per hour Ireland
Has one of the highest minimum wage rates in the EU.
UCD Smurfit School is the only Business school in Ireland and one of less than 60
worldwide to hold the triple crown of accreditation AACSB (US), EQUIS (Europe) and AMBA (UK). The schools programs are consistently ranked in the top 100 in the Economist and Financial Times rankings, the only Irish school to be so placed.
The largest University in Ireland, University College Dublin has the largest suite of
programs, and also has excellent courses in Engineering, IT, Biosciences and a host of
other areas. Here are some reasons why top Indian students choose to further their
education at UCD:
1 year post study visa means that you have extra time to find a job in Ireland
After after you graduate.
UCD is Irelands largest University with the only dedicated International Student
UCDs Career Development Centre provides advice and guidance to students and
recent graduates. UCD Career Development centre run career advice workshops
specifically for international student throughout the year.
Dublin is the Silicon Valley of Europe-The European Headquarters of Google,
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter are all located in Dublin - IBM, Microsoft, HP and
Intel are also located in Ireland.
Life Sciences - Ireland is the No. 1 European location for international
pharmaceutical investment - Companies such as Zurich, Pfizer (Wyeth), Merck
(Schering Plough), Johnson & Johnson, Roche, GlaxoSmithKline, Lilly, Novartis,
Boston Scientific, Medtronic Bausch & Lomb Baxter Abbott have invested in
Financial Services - The International Financial Services Centre has been an
outstanding success story in the Irish economy over the last 20 years, employing
in excess of 25,000 people and generating 35% of Irish service exports.
Citigroup, Bank of America/MBNA, Merrill Lynch, HSBC, Prudential, Allianz, Bank
of New York/ Mellon, GE Money, AIG all do business in Ireland.
UCD Smurfit Graduate Business School is currently ranked in the top 100 of
Business Schools worldwide. Results from the Financial Times for the MBA
programme at UCD Smurfit School reveal an increase in average graduate
salaries of 64% in the three years since graduation, with the programme ranked
5th in the world for value for money.
Almost one thousand overseas companies use Ireland as their European base
including Google, Intel, Yahoo, Adobe, Microsoft, Hewlett Packard, Apple and
And lastly, for those also looking at part time work, at Euro 8.65 per hour Ireland
Has one of the highest minimum wage rates in the EU.