Lots of people are in a big rush in the morning and they under the impression that skipping breakfast is a great way to save time.
This is a horrible mistake.
Your stomach is like the gas tank of your car.
That tank will now be empty after you slept for 8 hours.
You need to refill your tank with gas so that you can have energy to get on with your day.
You wouldn't try to drive your car all day without gas, so why do you think skipping breakfast is different? Breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day.
If sets you up to burn calories by setting up your metabolism to burn fuel more efficiently.
Digestion does require calories.
If you do not eat breakfast, you may go from the time you get up until when you eat lunch on your empty tank - up to five hours! People who eat breakfast maintain a healthy weight and are less likely to consume high sugar or high fat foods during the day.
They are also likely to live longer and healthier lives.
Eating breakfast means that you get more essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium.
It also means that you are much less likely to overeat later in the day.
You can eat just about anything you want to for breakfast.
The main idea is that you need to fire up your metabolism and keep it at a constant burn rate all day long.
Some of the best choices for breakfast are: oProteins - including eggs, peanut butter, cheese, yogurt and nuts; oWhole grains - oatmeal, or high fiber bread; oFruit If the thought of eating breakfast makes you feel ill, your blender can be your best friend.
Simply throw one cup of skim milk, one half cup of low fat yogurt and some fruit (cut up) - bananas are a good choice, or any type of berry.
Hit "blend" and drink right away.
A quick, easy and nutritional breakfast to kick start your day and set you up for a successful day or eating reasonable portions and staying on plan.
If you skip breakfast to save calories, you will end up being hungrier during the day and most likely overeating when you eventually give in to your appetite.
It's easy to incorporate breakfast into your day and once you get used to having breakfast, you will wonder how you lived without it.
This is a horrible mistake.
Your stomach is like the gas tank of your car.
That tank will now be empty after you slept for 8 hours.
You need to refill your tank with gas so that you can have energy to get on with your day.
You wouldn't try to drive your car all day without gas, so why do you think skipping breakfast is different? Breakfast is truly the most important meal of the day.
If sets you up to burn calories by setting up your metabolism to burn fuel more efficiently.
Digestion does require calories.
If you do not eat breakfast, you may go from the time you get up until when you eat lunch on your empty tank - up to five hours! People who eat breakfast maintain a healthy weight and are less likely to consume high sugar or high fat foods during the day.
They are also likely to live longer and healthier lives.
Eating breakfast means that you get more essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium.
It also means that you are much less likely to overeat later in the day.
You can eat just about anything you want to for breakfast.
The main idea is that you need to fire up your metabolism and keep it at a constant burn rate all day long.
Some of the best choices for breakfast are: oProteins - including eggs, peanut butter, cheese, yogurt and nuts; oWhole grains - oatmeal, or high fiber bread; oFruit If the thought of eating breakfast makes you feel ill, your blender can be your best friend.
Simply throw one cup of skim milk, one half cup of low fat yogurt and some fruit (cut up) - bananas are a good choice, or any type of berry.
Hit "blend" and drink right away.
A quick, easy and nutritional breakfast to kick start your day and set you up for a successful day or eating reasonable portions and staying on plan.
If you skip breakfast to save calories, you will end up being hungrier during the day and most likely overeating when you eventually give in to your appetite.
It's easy to incorporate breakfast into your day and once you get used to having breakfast, you will wonder how you lived without it.