Your computer can store a numerous of files.
Some people just keep putting their documents or files inside the disks without good management.
When they later need it, it is almost impossible to find the file manually in short time.
The task is however easier if you know how to use the function of searching by date on your computer.
That will help you to find the documents you need in short time.
If you are using Microsoft Windows, start with choosing the Date modified tab in the dialog box Find: All Files.
Click the button for Find all files created or modified to search specific files or documents by date.
After that, you can choose the range of date the files are modified or created by typing in the between ...
and ..
You can also choose to show all files or documents that are created or modified within specific months ago by checking the button below for during the previous (fill with numbers of months ago) month.
Otherwise, you can choose to find all files that are created or modified within specific days ago by checking the during the previous (fill with numbers of days ago) day.
If possible, narrow the days or months range as small as possible to make the search runs faster.
The last step, click Find Now and wait for some time until they collect the files as your requirement.
If you look at the first tab carefully, there are also options to search files by type and size in the dialog box Find: All Files.
For the search by type, you can use the advanced tab to search all files or documents on your computer based on a specified type.
You can even use this function to find files that are virus-infected.
Just click the arrow Of type to choose the file type.
Setting limits on the files name is also possible.
Just go back to the find screen before and type in the letters in the file name.
After that, click Find Now and wait until the intended file is found.
Besides that, you can also search for files by their size.
Go to the Find: All Files dialog box and click the Advanced tab.
Then look at the lowest choice Size is.
Fill in the size you want there.
You can do this simultaneously with the Of type and Containing text to make it narrow and faster.
However, if you do the search frequently and your computer stores a numerous of files and documents, using software to do the search might have more advantages in term of speed and efficiency.
There are many marketed software with some range of features and price.
Some are highly specified and some are not, some can be downloaded freely or have free demo, some have you to pay the license fee, just choose the one that fits your need the best.
There are some factors to consider, such as where you would use the software at (whether in home or office), numbers of data you have (a few or incredibly many), and the data usage (for personal use or professional use).
Some people just keep putting their documents or files inside the disks without good management.
When they later need it, it is almost impossible to find the file manually in short time.
The task is however easier if you know how to use the function of searching by date on your computer.
That will help you to find the documents you need in short time.
If you are using Microsoft Windows, start with choosing the Date modified tab in the dialog box Find: All Files.
Click the button for Find all files created or modified to search specific files or documents by date.
After that, you can choose the range of date the files are modified or created by typing in the between ...
and ..
You can also choose to show all files or documents that are created or modified within specific months ago by checking the button below for during the previous (fill with numbers of months ago) month.
Otherwise, you can choose to find all files that are created or modified within specific days ago by checking the during the previous (fill with numbers of days ago) day.
If possible, narrow the days or months range as small as possible to make the search runs faster.
The last step, click Find Now and wait for some time until they collect the files as your requirement.
If you look at the first tab carefully, there are also options to search files by type and size in the dialog box Find: All Files.
For the search by type, you can use the advanced tab to search all files or documents on your computer based on a specified type.
You can even use this function to find files that are virus-infected.
Just click the arrow Of type to choose the file type.
Setting limits on the files name is also possible.
Just go back to the find screen before and type in the letters in the file name.
After that, click Find Now and wait until the intended file is found.
Besides that, you can also search for files by their size.
Go to the Find: All Files dialog box and click the Advanced tab.
Then look at the lowest choice Size is.
Fill in the size you want there.
You can do this simultaneously with the Of type and Containing text to make it narrow and faster.
However, if you do the search frequently and your computer stores a numerous of files and documents, using software to do the search might have more advantages in term of speed and efficiency.
There are many marketed software with some range of features and price.
Some are highly specified and some are not, some can be downloaded freely or have free demo, some have you to pay the license fee, just choose the one that fits your need the best.
There are some factors to consider, such as where you would use the software at (whether in home or office), numbers of data you have (a few or incredibly many), and the data usage (for personal use or professional use).