Business & Finance Entrepreneurship-startup

Use your I-Phone To Make Money

Sound too good to be true? It's Not!...
You can make money online when you use technology, which is all free online for the taking, to build web applications. But not just any web applications - special applications. Applications that are in hot demand right now and that people are clammoring to get.

The hottest technology to come on the market in a long time is the I-Phone. Right now, Apple has introduced the G3 I-Phone to the public and people are knocking themselves out to try to get the best applications. By making applications and selling them or distributing them online, you can make a lot of money in this arena.

Those who own I-Phones want to get the latest applications and also may have some ideas on what they would want but do not know how to get it. There are many reasons why people who have I-Phones will be glad to pay for a unique application for a variety of different reasons:

They can have it customized specifically for them;
They can get applications that would not be available on I-Phone stores;
They can have an application that no one else has;
They can get something that may not be marketable to a lot of people;
They can get an application that they cannot find anywhere else.

How do you find people who want unique and customized I-Phone applications? You advertise for it. There are plenty of places where you can advertise your services.

Custom applications for I-Phone users is a niche that has not yet been tapped. You can advertise your services the same way you can market anything else - both online and off. In addition to using free sites like Craig's List for your services, you can use ads and even use social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace to advertise your custom applications

I have found that this is one of the easyest things to do, to bring in a bit of extra cash, It is as using your phone to send a text

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