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Reflections by Jill - A Weekly Commentary for OLTL for September 7, 2009

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And speaking of Fish, here is a man who feels like his world is caving in. His parents are headed to town to meet his girlfriend and he has just finally come out to Layla and Cristian and admitted that he is gay. It doesn’t give him any relief because he feels like he can’t come out to everyone, especially his parents and the other cops at the station. Layla is dealing with her own hurt over Fish lying to her, but she has a lot of sympathy for his situation and tries to make him feel better, which shows just how big a heart she has.

I have to say it was pretty funny when Cristian went and bought a book for Fish about how to tell your parents that you’re gay and his mother spotted the book and thought Cristian was gay until he and Layla told her it was a friend and not Cristian. For a mom, I think Carlotta accepted what she thought was the truth pretty easily. Most parents, even if they were the accepting type, would at least be a little shocked or surprised but not Carlotta. She figured it explained why Cristian has had so much trouble settling down with a woman and why he paints pretty pictures. LOL. It was a bit unrealistic but it was nice to see that some parents would accept their kids for what they are. That’s Saundra Santiago playing the role of Carlotta. I did read that Patricia Mauceri (the original Carlotta) decided to leave the show rather than play the part of a mother accepting her son’s sexual preference so easily. If that is true, I am sorry to hear that an actress who has played that role for so long would leave for that reason.

After all, we’re talking about acting here and not what someone might choose to do in real life. Oh well, Santiago in the role is fine with me.

Back in the courtroom for Matthew’s case, Tea drags in a young woman who received surgery from Greg for something similar to Matthew’s injury and she fully recovered because of Greg. It was pretty sleazy of Tea to have the girl come in sitting in a wheelchair and then miraculously stand up and spin around like she was at some revival meeting. Then Dr. Greg Evans testified and while Rachel sits in court, she starts to heat up over his testimony. Tea led him in his testimony where he finally said that Bo and Nora wouldn’t allow the surgery because they were afraid to lose control over their son and that their fear was holding them back. Rachel got all bent out of shape because she felt that Greg was referring to their confrontation where he accused her of being afraid to lose control.

So Rachel asked to testify which was a BIG MISTAKE! She was stupid to think that Tea wouldn’t rip her to shreds on the stand and that’s just what Tea did. Rachel testified that she felt Greg was commenting on her being afraid to lose control and Tea got that gleam in her eye like the vulture she is, getting ready to swoop in and attack. She turned the tables on Rachel until Rachel was forced to admit in front of everyone, including Greg, that she was a drug addict, that she was a prostitute and that she killed a woman when she lost control. Tea just led Rachel to the slaughter.

Rachel ran out of court followed by Greg, the last person she wanted to face. He truly felt terrible for having confronted her the way he did and when he sincerely apologized, Rachel broke down and told him he was right; that she was terrified to lose control because when she did, someone always got hurt. Their confrontation ended in a very heated kiss and who knows what comes next?

Oh, and back in the courtroom, Nora is furious at Tea for what she did to Rachel and Matthew, who loves his sister dearly, is so angry that he fires Tea. Tea says she was only doing what was best for her case and Nora gives her a good slap. I wish I had a dollar for every time Tea has been slapped since she came back. Her cheeks must be like leather by now. So, the judge tosses Nora in a cell for contempt of court and she throws Tea in with her for that little drama with the girl in the wheelchair. Have fun girls!

Meanwhile, poor Shawn is at La Boulaie guarding Starr and Hope and he admits to Starr that he is afraid Rachel has eyes for his brother. He’s no fool and sees the sparks whenever they are together. Shawn is going to be badly hurt coming up and we’ll see what happens for him, his brother and Rachel.

Everyone will be involved in the culmination of this drug case; Shawn will be hurt, Brody will get hurt saving Starr and Hope and who the heck knows what else will happen? I would love to see Viki wipe the floor with the mayor in a debate, even though Dorian promises to tell the mayor where every one of Viki’s skeletons are buried. Someone should remind Dorian that turnabout is fair play. She has at least as many skeletons as Viki and most of Viki’s are already public knowledge. Let’s bury the mayor and let the campaign begin!

See ya next week.


FAN FEEDBACK AND QUESTIONS continue on next page > >
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