Chocolate is one of the wonders of this world. Chocolate, apart from tasting good, puts a smile on many faces due to its serotonin content. Chocolate, however, is not always healthy. When processed for too long, chocolate loses its flavonoids which balance your hormones and lower your blood pressure. To increase the value of chocolates, producers have added ingredients to them that contribute to their nutrition and taste. These ingredients can be classified into two groups: common ingredients and exotic ingredients.
The most common ingredients are nuts, fruits, and peppermint. Examples of nuts found in chocolates are almonds, cashews, and macadamia nuts. In general, nuts increase brain activity and aids fat-burning. Before, the only fruits found in chocolates were berries. Now, chocolates contain other fruits such as papaya, coconut, sapote, pineapple, orange, and even durian. Berries add antioxidants to chocolates, while the other fruits add fiber and vitamins. The peppermint in chocolates promotes digestion and prevents bacterial development.
Other common ingredients are butter cream, honey, and caramel. Butter cream adds calcium to chocolate, which strengthens bones. The honey in chocolate allows body cleansing. Caramel adds potassium to chocolate, which lowers blood pressure and stress.
Exotic ingredients found in chocolates are ingredients such as wasabi, red chili pepper and curry that add a unique kick. Wasabi, a condiment extracted from horseradish, in chocolate enhances lung health and the immune system of consumers. Red chili pepper in chocolate removes blood clots, reduces inflammation caused by arthritis, and even provides Vitamin A. Curry in chocolate prevents memory loss.
Other exotic ingredients in chocolates are fungi in the form of mushroom and plants such as tongkat ali and roses. Mushroom adds Vitamin B2 to chocolate, which increases the production of red blood cells and bodily calcium. Tongkat ali is an organic drug, which helps you become energetic. Roses add Vitamin C to chocolate, which increases the immune system.
More exotic ingredients in handmade chocolates are alcoholic beverages such as liquor and red meat such as bacon. The liquor in chocolate helps in preventing arthritis and strokes. Bacon adds phosphorus to chocolate. Phosphorus is responsible for healthy kidneys, proper development of cells, and formation of teeth.
The most common ingredients are nuts, fruits, and peppermint. Examples of nuts found in chocolates are almonds, cashews, and macadamia nuts. In general, nuts increase brain activity and aids fat-burning. Before, the only fruits found in chocolates were berries. Now, chocolates contain other fruits such as papaya, coconut, sapote, pineapple, orange, and even durian. Berries add antioxidants to chocolates, while the other fruits add fiber and vitamins. The peppermint in chocolates promotes digestion and prevents bacterial development.
Other common ingredients are butter cream, honey, and caramel. Butter cream adds calcium to chocolate, which strengthens bones. The honey in chocolate allows body cleansing. Caramel adds potassium to chocolate, which lowers blood pressure and stress.
Exotic ingredients found in chocolates are ingredients such as wasabi, red chili pepper and curry that add a unique kick. Wasabi, a condiment extracted from horseradish, in chocolate enhances lung health and the immune system of consumers. Red chili pepper in chocolate removes blood clots, reduces inflammation caused by arthritis, and even provides Vitamin A. Curry in chocolate prevents memory loss.
Other exotic ingredients in chocolates are fungi in the form of mushroom and plants such as tongkat ali and roses. Mushroom adds Vitamin B2 to chocolate, which increases the production of red blood cells and bodily calcium. Tongkat ali is an organic drug, which helps you become energetic. Roses add Vitamin C to chocolate, which increases the immune system.
More exotic ingredients in handmade chocolates are alcoholic beverages such as liquor and red meat such as bacon. The liquor in chocolate helps in preventing arthritis and strokes. Bacon adds phosphorus to chocolate. Phosphorus is responsible for healthy kidneys, proper development of cells, and formation of teeth.