Renowned sex experts in the world have specifically defined premature ejaculation as the condition when men ejaculate within two minutes of penetration.
According to the many researches conducted by experts in the field of sexual health, premature ejaculation occurs when there is a lack of control of ejaculation that interferes with the sexual or emotional well-being in one or both partners.
If premature ejaculation is tormenting you, don't worry.
It can be cured at the earliest provided you know some basic steps of how to solve premature your ejaculation problems.
It is a fact that men suffer from undergo severe embarrassment when they stop their sexual intercourse in the middle of the act.
You will cut a sorry figure in front of her, right? This will eventually ruin your relationship.
The following simple steps on how to solve your premature ejaculation problems can enlighten you and save your relationship from going downhill.
Enjoy the act- It is quite natural for many partners who are having sex for the first time to suffer from performance anxiety.
When you are going to have sex for the first time, your anxiety level increases and this may hinder your sex session.
Be talkative and vocal.
Never have sex just for the heck of it.
Do not have sex in haste, have fun and enjoy your sex session to the utmost.
Crack jokes and loosen up your partner and yourself.
Be sensitive -Involve kissing, cuddling and caressing your partner while having sex as these acts will enhance the quality of your sex session.
A sexual act does not mean only peno-vaginal sex.
Remember, sex is not only a mechanical act.
Indulge in the other aspects mentioned above and see the changes these simple but effective acts will bring to your sex life.
Try squeeze technique- It is a simple act.
In this technique, you will have to squeeze your penis to control ejaculation.
It is a very easy and common technique that can be done by every man who does not last long in sex.
When you are about to ejaculate, you just have to hold the tip of your penis tightly with your thumb and your index finger for 20-30 seconds.
This is an effective method will let you know how to solve your premature ejaculation problem.
Go for safe medication- Always consult your doctor when you suffer from premature ejaculation.
Be frank to him and pour out all your sexual issues.
Even if you are required to take some medication, it is always better to go for safe and natural products, which are both effective and safe.
The above mentioned suggestions are some of the useful tips that will help you how to solve your premature ejaculation problem.
According to the many researches conducted by experts in the field of sexual health, premature ejaculation occurs when there is a lack of control of ejaculation that interferes with the sexual or emotional well-being in one or both partners.
If premature ejaculation is tormenting you, don't worry.
It can be cured at the earliest provided you know some basic steps of how to solve premature your ejaculation problems.
It is a fact that men suffer from undergo severe embarrassment when they stop their sexual intercourse in the middle of the act.
You will cut a sorry figure in front of her, right? This will eventually ruin your relationship.
The following simple steps on how to solve your premature ejaculation problems can enlighten you and save your relationship from going downhill.
Enjoy the act- It is quite natural for many partners who are having sex for the first time to suffer from performance anxiety.
When you are going to have sex for the first time, your anxiety level increases and this may hinder your sex session.
Be talkative and vocal.
Never have sex just for the heck of it.
Do not have sex in haste, have fun and enjoy your sex session to the utmost.
Crack jokes and loosen up your partner and yourself.
Be sensitive -Involve kissing, cuddling and caressing your partner while having sex as these acts will enhance the quality of your sex session.
A sexual act does not mean only peno-vaginal sex.
Remember, sex is not only a mechanical act.
Indulge in the other aspects mentioned above and see the changes these simple but effective acts will bring to your sex life.
Try squeeze technique- It is a simple act.
In this technique, you will have to squeeze your penis to control ejaculation.
It is a very easy and common technique that can be done by every man who does not last long in sex.
When you are about to ejaculate, you just have to hold the tip of your penis tightly with your thumb and your index finger for 20-30 seconds.
This is an effective method will let you know how to solve your premature ejaculation problem.
Go for safe medication- Always consult your doctor when you suffer from premature ejaculation.
Be frank to him and pour out all your sexual issues.
Even if you are required to take some medication, it is always better to go for safe and natural products, which are both effective and safe.
The above mentioned suggestions are some of the useful tips that will help you how to solve your premature ejaculation problem.