Things You'll Need
1To be eligible to receive a letter from the president, you must be a U.S. citizen. You should provide the name, address and date of birth/anniversary date of the person to whom the letter should be send. If you are requesting a letter for someone else, also include your name and address.
Decide the greeting you want.For a baby's birth, you must submit a request within the first year after birth. The request must come after the baby is born.For a birthday, the request must be for someone turning 80 or older. A response takes about six weeks, so plan accordingly.For an anniversary, the request must be for a 50th anniversary or more.
Send the request by postal mail, fax or via the White House contact page online.On the site, click on the greetings section and choose the appropriate greeting. Fill in the information and press Continue. You will receive an automatic response from the White House.Fax a request to (202) 395-1232Mail a request to The White House, Attn: Greetings Office, Washington, D.C. 20502-0039