Business & Finance Social Media

Seriously, Do You Do This?

The other day, a client called and asked me how he could get more followers on his social media sites! You know what I told him? It's not the size, it's the content! Sure, a big list of happy followers is nice to have, but they wont be happy if you don't do these three things first! Educate, Entertain & Engage! Sounds simple, right? Well, I've been using various social media platforms now for several years and I've noticed a good majority of people screw it up...
royally! Educate, Entertain & Engage! Let's take educate first! These are posts meant to teach your followers about you, your product, your services, what you stand for, how you operate, what makes you different and why they should use you.
The best way to educate a follower on what you are all about is sharing with them photos or videos of your work, testimonials from your clients, or links to your newsletters.
You could also educate them by giving them tips, tricks or even secrets that make their life easier.
Posting articles, sharing newsclips and yes, even posting press releases will help educate your followers on what makes you different and why they should hire you.
Now the entertain part! Here's where you bring your personality into the mix.
These posts will showcase your interests.
What makes you laugh? What makes you cry? What's your favorite music, or TV show? You can share videos and articles! Even pictures of your family, pets or places you visit.
These posts bring out your human side and allow your followers to get to know you as a person.
One of the best ways to entertain people that are following you on social networking sites is with vacation pictures.
Where did you go? What did you do? The far off places! This helps create conversations which leads to...
Engage! If you can't get people to respond to your posts then you might as well not even be on social media sites.
The main reason to educate and entertain is to get your followers to engage.
They need to respond back to you.
Think of your posts as conversation starters...
you say something and someone responds back.
Without engagement, your messages fall on deaf ears.
Educate, Entertain & Engage! Remember those three words! By educating, entertaining and engaging you will find people will want to read what it is you are posting, they will tell their friends about you and your followers lists will grow.
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