Is winning the lottery bad luck? Can you ruin your life simply by winning a BIG boatload of cash? And why do so many people seem "cursed" after they win the jackpot? Is it true..
or all a big myth? In this article we are going to take a quick and insightful look at the lottery and bad luck, and see if we can shed a little light on why there seems to be SUCH a stigma for people who've brought home the big prize! Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below! Why do so many lottery winners end up WORSE off after they've won...
than where they began? Good question! Want to know the truth? In my view..
many lottery winners are simply UNPREPARED for their success.
They don't have financial backgrounds..
or good advisors.
They don't seek out good counsel.
They feel obligated to take care of family and friends.
And MOST importantly..
they simply have NO idea as to how to say "NO!".
(a skill unfortunately you are going to NEED to learn if you win yourself) The biggest problem most lottery winners face is NOT a made up "curse"..
It's really not having a plan for what to do once they've won.
The truth? The very FIRST thing you should do if you win a sizable prize (anything $25,000 or over to start) is see a financial planner.
If you win 6 figures or more..
this is NOT an option, and should be required for sure.
You should sit down and set a budget for how much you are willing (and able) to give to family and friends..
and then stick to it.
Have a favorite charity or two? Plan this AHEAD of time...
and NOT on the fly.
(because most financial mistakes made by people who win BIG prizes are most often made due to lack of a sound financial plan and budget) The most important thing you should do? Take payments! Don't accept a one time payment..
UNLESS your winnings are ultra high.
(well over 7 figures) The truth is, the BEST way to avoid the lottery curse is to be yourself, don't change who you are and simply understand that just because you've got more money does not equal a licence to start making poor life choices across the board.
And lastly..
Find something you LOVE to do...
and keep doing it.
(even your old job if you truly love it now) Why? The biggest reason people feel cursed by their winnings is boredom! Lottery winners of 7 figures or more are much more likely to turn to alcohol..
get divorced and are even more likely to struggle with drugs.
Finding something meaningful to do with your life is the BEST anecdote to the above...
and if (and when) you find yourself with a big pile of free money, keeping all of this in mind is worth it's weight in gold!
or all a big myth? In this article we are going to take a quick and insightful look at the lottery and bad luck, and see if we can shed a little light on why there seems to be SUCH a stigma for people who've brought home the big prize! Curious to know more? Continue reading as we take a closer look below! Why do so many lottery winners end up WORSE off after they've won...
than where they began? Good question! Want to know the truth? In my view..
many lottery winners are simply UNPREPARED for their success.
They don't have financial backgrounds..
or good advisors.
They don't seek out good counsel.
They feel obligated to take care of family and friends.
And MOST importantly..
they simply have NO idea as to how to say "NO!".
(a skill unfortunately you are going to NEED to learn if you win yourself) The biggest problem most lottery winners face is NOT a made up "curse"..
It's really not having a plan for what to do once they've won.
The truth? The very FIRST thing you should do if you win a sizable prize (anything $25,000 or over to start) is see a financial planner.
If you win 6 figures or more..
this is NOT an option, and should be required for sure.
You should sit down and set a budget for how much you are willing (and able) to give to family and friends..
and then stick to it.
Have a favorite charity or two? Plan this AHEAD of time...
and NOT on the fly.
(because most financial mistakes made by people who win BIG prizes are most often made due to lack of a sound financial plan and budget) The most important thing you should do? Take payments! Don't accept a one time payment..
UNLESS your winnings are ultra high.
(well over 7 figures) The truth is, the BEST way to avoid the lottery curse is to be yourself, don't change who you are and simply understand that just because you've got more money does not equal a licence to start making poor life choices across the board.
And lastly..
Find something you LOVE to do...
and keep doing it.
(even your old job if you truly love it now) Why? The biggest reason people feel cursed by their winnings is boredom! Lottery winners of 7 figures or more are much more likely to turn to alcohol..
get divorced and are even more likely to struggle with drugs.
Finding something meaningful to do with your life is the BEST anecdote to the above...
and if (and when) you find yourself with a big pile of free money, keeping all of this in mind is worth it's weight in gold!