Technology Software

Fcp To Flash Flv/swf Converter, Final Cut Pro Export Flash Video For The Web

About Final Cut Pro
Final Cut Pro shorting for FCP, is a professional video editing software program developed by Apple Inc for mac users, which offers pro-level editing for people who had hit iMovie's ceiling and wanted more editing control and options. As part of the Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro allows video editing for highest-possible quality and mix frame sizes, frame rates and formats in the same Timeline in real time.

How to export Flash from Final Cut pro for website
If you have installed Macromedia Flash 8 in your mac, you will have an FLV video exporter into Final Cut's QuickTime conversion menu and then you are able to directly export Flash video(FLV files) from FCP. However, Flash 8 might not be the right option for you for its expensive or it can't assist you to export SWF file. Then you have a suitable choice, that is, FCP to Flash converter.

With FCP to FLV/SWF(Flash) converter, you are able to convert a movie created in Final Cut Pro to Flash FLV/SWF or generate a HTML web page embedded with skinning and customize Flash player with a few mouse clicks after you export movie from Final Cut Pro as QuickTime movie. This workaround is simple-to-use yet professional, suitable for both beginner and experienced mac users.

If you are Windows User, please use video to flash encoder for windows

The following is the tips for export flash movie from Final Cut Pro

Tip1. Batch Mode:The video to flash video converter for mac supports batch import and conversion, so you can import and convert as many videos as you want at a time.

Tip2. Cropping video files: In the video edit panel, you can crop the video clips to remove unwilling area like black sides in 2 methods:
First method: drag the crop frame on the left video player by moving the mouse cursor.
Second method: Set the four frame values under the video players to define the cropped area.
When you cropping the video files, you can preview the effect on the right video player.

Tip3. Applying effect: In the video edit panel, click "Effect" button and you will be allowed to adjust video effects, such as tuning the video Brightness, Contrast, Saturation and select an artist effect from the Effect drop-down list for the video: Gray, Emboss, Old Film and no effect. And flipping effect is designed to vertically or horizontally reverse the picture.

Tip4. Clipping video files: In the clipping window, you can drag the sliders under the preview window to set the start and end time so that you can cut a video segment from a video. And you can trim a video as many times as you wish. All clipped segments will be listed in the below information window.

Tip5. Merge into one file: The "Merge" button will be valid only when you choose two or more source files or newly merged files. You can press Shift on the keyboard and choose files with mouse clicks. And the information of the merged video clips will be listed in the file list window. Note: The "Clip" and "Edit" button will be invalid when you choose the newly merged files or more than two source files.

Tip6. Make flash video slide: The features will enable you to create a SWF file with a playlist, so you can add as many videos to the playlist of the player as you wish. But you should choose two or more video clips before you use this function. And the information of the slided video clips will be listed in the file list window.

Note1. The "Slide" will be valid only when you choose two or more source files or newly made slide shows.
Note2. The "Clip" and "Edit" will be invalid when you choose the newly made slide or more than two source files.

Tip7. Playback Settings: At the step2 of customize window, mind the following techniques:
1.The meaning of all choices:

Generate FLV: the export video files are in FLV format
Generate SWF-->Embed the video in SWF and play in timeline: the output video clips are in SWF format , with FLV files embedded.
Generate SWF-->Play the created external FLV file progressively: the output video are in SWF format, with FLV files external linked to a default path.
Getnerate HTML: the output files are in HTML page embedded flash video player.
Generate Thumbnail: generate a cover for the output flash video as the first frame of the flash video.

2. How to choose: You must choose either Generate FLV or Generate SWF or both. If you haven't check Generate SWF, you can't choose Generate HTML and if you haven't choose Generate FLV, you can't choose Generate SWF-->Play the created external FLV file progressively. If you choose Generate SWF-->Play the created external FLV file progressively, Generate thumbnail is selected automatically.

Tip8. Add some content to flash video:
1.Add background
At the step3 of customize window, you can add background color to flash video and the background color will be seen if the video doesn't fill in the whole area of the flash player.

2.Add flash player skin
There are much free flash player skin

3. Add special effect
special effect to choose for the target flash video

4.Add decora
And you can add image, text and hyperlink into video as watermark.

5. Add head and tail
If you choose Generate SWF-->Embed the video in SWF and play in timeline at last step, then you can add image and content to the beginning and end of the flash video and set background and duration of the head and tail.

6. Set Preloader
Apply a preloader template to flash files so that your viewers can see the preloader effect during the loading process

Note: The Preloader button is valid only when you choose "Generate SWF-->Embed the video in SWF and play in timeline" at the step2 of Customize.

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