Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

What Causes White Spots To Occur On Your Skin And How Can They Be Eradicated?

White spots on skin can be caused by many things, but cancer is definitely not one of them, so if you have noticed white spots appearing on your skin, please don't be overly concerned.
They might not look very nice, but they are no threat to your health.
In many cases, these spots are a result of tinea versicolor.
This is essentially a fungal infection which can be triggered by a number of things, including the use of shared tanning beds, and towels which have been used multiple times between washes.
The actual fungus that causes the spots is present on everyone's skin, so in medical terms, tinea versicolor is not contagious since we all have this fungus living on us anyway.
Tinea versicolor is easily treatable with both prescription drugs and over the counter treatments, and if treated, the spots will soon start to fade.
If after about two months you can still see the spots, you should go and see another doctor in order to get a second opinion.
A health condition known as vitiligo can also cause white spots to appear, but there are two distinct differences.
Spots which are caused by vitiligo look somewhat different, and they will not respond as well to any medication.
The reason for this being that vitiligo is not caused by a fungus, but instead, it occurs when areas of pigment producing cells are damaged.
Although doctors remain uncertain as to what actually causes this, it is believed to be an autoimmune disease.
There are a number of different treatment options, but these are often ineffective.
It is however quite possible for pigment to return at some point, but if it does, the affected areas are usually slightly lighter or darker than the surrounding skin.
These days there are a variety of different makeup products which can be used in order to cover up the spots, and one can also buy dyes that can be applied to the white spots.
The biggest concern with these types of products is that many of them contain harsh chemicals, and so in my opinion, they should be avoided.
Areas of skin affected by vitiligo are more susceptible to skin cancer, so I really don't think people should be exposing these areas to any sort of chemicals.
There are other creams and lotions available on the market which are completely free of any chemicals, and some of them are known to be very effective at reducing the appearance of white spots.
These types of creams may take longer to produce the desired results, but surely it's worth the wait.
After all, what is the point of getting rid of white spots on skin, only to have them replaced by skin cancer? As a general rule, if you can't eat something, you shouldn't be putting it on your skin either.
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