- 1). Check your account through as many avenues as you have access. Try online banking, the ATM, and over the telephone. You should have same amount in your account no matter how you check your balance. If you do have different amounts or if you have unknown transactions you may have a bank error. Bank errors are easier to be reversed because your account is negative due to their negligence.
- 2). If your account is negative due to your own negligence, you still may be able to get that money refunded to your account.
- 3). If possible go to the bank location that you opened your account with. It would be even better if you could speak with the Financial Service Representative that opened your account for you or any other person in your bank that you have developed a positive banking relationship with.
- 4). As they are checking your account, apologize and advised them of any evidence that you have a positive banking relationship with their company (multiple accounts, frequent deposits, etc). Usually they can refund at least one overdraft fee, possibly two depending on their policy.
- 5). Make sure you say "Thank You" and then ask them for tips on budgeting and debt management.