Here's a few pointers on getting unwavering obedience from your Airedale terrier..
- Whatever training method you use, don't get out of hand with it.
Despite the fact that there's 101 ways to train an terrier, poor execution of any one of these methods will only get in the way of your goal.
What is poor execution? Poorly executing a training method is when you're physically harming your pet.
While terrier owners use their own discretion in determining how firm they should be with their pets, balancing that with delicacy will bring you steps closer to your goal.
- Instructing/correcting your terrier at the right moment is key.
In order for your pet to be aware of their mistake, you must correct them at the exact moment that mistake was made (or in many cases, before the mistake is committed).
Much like positively reinforcing your terrier with a treat WHEN he or she does good, correcting your pet the moment she does bad discourages undesirable behavior.
- Taking note of your airdale terriers behavior indoors should indicate how they'll act in other environments - namely, outdoors.
If your terrier is obstinate behind closed doors, it's safe to assume they will be equally disobedient elsewhere.
Taking the necessary precautions in light of this fact should put you a few steps ahead of your terrier.
- Staying calm, cool & collected is easier said than done when training your terrier, but it's the best mind set to have if want to instill obedience in your terrier.
Needless to say, dogs are not as well versed in human language as we pet owners like to believe; so training your terrier during fits of rage only make matters worse for both you & your terrier - given the inevitable miscommunication inherent in dog training.
Taking a break from dog training during a negatively charged emotional state is the better move, since little will be achieved.
Doing this also keeps you from ingraining fear into your terrier - avoiding another obstacle to successful training.
- Training your airdale terrier while they're a pup is the best step to getting good habits "hard-wired" into their brains.
A pet owners dream is when their pet is on the same "wave length" to a degree where even their slightest command gesture elicits obedience; this brand of receptiveness from your terrier can become second nature when it's encouraged in early stages of growth.
Being mindful of these points when training your airdale terrier will clear the path to lock step obedience.
- Whatever training method you use, don't get out of hand with it.
Despite the fact that there's 101 ways to train an terrier, poor execution of any one of these methods will only get in the way of your goal.
What is poor execution? Poorly executing a training method is when you're physically harming your pet.
While terrier owners use their own discretion in determining how firm they should be with their pets, balancing that with delicacy will bring you steps closer to your goal.
- Instructing/correcting your terrier at the right moment is key.
In order for your pet to be aware of their mistake, you must correct them at the exact moment that mistake was made (or in many cases, before the mistake is committed).
Much like positively reinforcing your terrier with a treat WHEN he or she does good, correcting your pet the moment she does bad discourages undesirable behavior.
- Taking note of your airdale terriers behavior indoors should indicate how they'll act in other environments - namely, outdoors.
If your terrier is obstinate behind closed doors, it's safe to assume they will be equally disobedient elsewhere.
Taking the necessary precautions in light of this fact should put you a few steps ahead of your terrier.
- Staying calm, cool & collected is easier said than done when training your terrier, but it's the best mind set to have if want to instill obedience in your terrier.
Needless to say, dogs are not as well versed in human language as we pet owners like to believe; so training your terrier during fits of rage only make matters worse for both you & your terrier - given the inevitable miscommunication inherent in dog training.
Taking a break from dog training during a negatively charged emotional state is the better move, since little will be achieved.
Doing this also keeps you from ingraining fear into your terrier - avoiding another obstacle to successful training.
- Training your airdale terrier while they're a pup is the best step to getting good habits "hard-wired" into their brains.
A pet owners dream is when their pet is on the same "wave length" to a degree where even their slightest command gesture elicits obedience; this brand of receptiveness from your terrier can become second nature when it's encouraged in early stages of growth.
Being mindful of these points when training your airdale terrier will clear the path to lock step obedience.