Get Caught Up
- Electrolysis Review - Part One
- Electrolysis - Review Part Two
- Electrolysis Review - Part Three
- Electrolysis Review - Part Four
- Electrolysis Review - Part Four
Let's start with the good news. It's completely obvious to me now that my hair is dramatically reducing. I have such fine, almost clear hair that previously, I'd be able to tell the day or so that I had the electrolysis done, but once the new hair follicles starting growing, I was left wondering if I was wasting my money.
(Electrolysis kills the individual hair follicles, but your hair grows in a cycle, and under your skin, even though you may not see them, you have have many, many more hair follicles ready to grow more hair.)
I've completely given up waxing (except for my brows) and will use Nair when I feel the need, but seeing I go to the clinic every 2 weeks, if I forget to Nair the day after my appointment, I have to just deal with the hair because Marge needs to see the hair growing to kill the follicle.
The good part about having clear fine hair is that Marge can really just get to work and not worry about taking hair off evenly on each side of my lip. If a person has dark or coarse hair, your technician would take a few hairs on one side and move to another. This takes time and concentration. For me, she can really just go to town, and that has been nice.
As for the 45 minutes, we canned that idea. The first day that I was supposed to have 45 minutes, she forgot and stopped at 30. (And I was so glad she did!) The next time, I asked her to stop at 30 minutes.
I just couldn't keep going.
We decided that 30 minutes is what I can handle, and we're sticking with it. It's a good amount of time, and one that I can deal with.
Oddly enough after my last appointment, I woke up with a lot of little white heads where she was working. At my very first consultation, Marge asked me to inform her if this happened, and she'd have to adjust something on her settings, so I'll be sure to do that.
And I know that I mentioned that I was thinking about doing my eye brows when all was done with my upper lip, but now, the more I think about it, the more I think I'm going to skip the eye brows and go for my under arms. I may even start scheduling 1 hour appointments and split them evenly - half on my lip and half on my underarms.
As for my chin, the hair that she removed was really just a few stragglers here and there. I didn't have a major problem with that area, but in case you were wondering, they're completely gone, and new ones haven't popped up at all.
Would I still recommend electrolysis? I've been going every other week for 3 months now, at $35 a session. So, I've spent $280 so far. I'm in it for the long run. Marge did say that sometimes it takes 6 months and sometimes it takes 1 year. It all depends on the person and their hair and the size of their problem area. With the progress that I'm finally seeing, I know that it's all downhill from here.