Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

Secret Method Reveals - How to Practice Guitar Without a Guitar

You might be surprised to know that there are many different ways to practice your guitar without even holding your instrument.
This is very important to know as a musician in training because if your like so many other musicians out there it can be challenging to make time to practice your six string.
You may also be a player who has a guitar injury, and you're unsure how you can practice your instrument without causing pain.
Practicing the guitar without an instrument to play on is a wonderful technique to learn.
By discovering how to practice your six string without physically playing your instrument, you will now have no more excuses to not practice.
Long bus rides, waiting for your bus to arrive, coffee breaks, even practicing without an instrument before going to bed are great opportunities to practice your guitar.
If you are one of those busy "I really want to learn guitar, but I'm so busy!", or injured player, then lets' take a look a 4 ways that you can practice your instrument without even being around it.
Practice Visualization: Visualization on the guitar is basically imagining yourself playing the guitar without it.
Begin to visualize yourself practicing chords and scales.
The more you practice your guitar visually the more you will find yourself being able to apply what you are learning on your instrument more quickly.
Have a picture of a guitar: Now there are some people who sometimes have difficulty visualizing using there imagination.
If that's you then photo copy diagrams or pictures of the top thee things you are learning on guitar and bring these images with you.
Wherever you are without your instrument, just pop out your guitar pictures i.
chord diagrams, and memorize the chord shapes.
Actively listen: When watching other guitar players play live, or listening to your favourite guitar hero on your sound system, actively listen to their instrument.
Go beyond just being awed at someone's playing.
Start figuring out in your head what is being played.
Air Guitar: Instead of just doing air guitar for fun, pretend that you have an invisible six string and practice playing on it.
This is a great technique to begin applying your visualization practice techniques and begin to prepare your guitar fingers for when you finally have your guitar in hand, and can apply all of your hard mental work to the actual physical application of practicing on your guitar.
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