Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

More Profit By Customizing Your Google Adsense Ads

If you've even done a little studying on how to maximize your revenue with Google AdSense you have already learned that integrating these ads within your site's content is a key to getting solid click through performance.
Make your visitors think the links in the ads are actually part of your site and they are more apt to click.
This can be accomplished in a multitude of ways: Randomly inserting the ads within the textual content of your site, using Link Ads in typical menu locations, placing large image ads where a logo may appear and the list goes on and on.
This is all well and good, however, by customizing the look of your Google AdSense ads you further integrate this powerful revenue tool within your site.
Everyday surfers are becoming more and more savvy at avoiding our attempts at getting their clicks and procuring their money.
They have seen the typical AdSense ad over and over and over and are quite aware that when they click it, they will be leaving the siteand will probably be hit up with some type of sales pitch.
Thus, customizing your ad layout gives you one more weapon to combat their intelligence and get their clicks.
The most important customization that should be made is to the background color of the ads.
By setting the background to the same color as where the ad is placed you are allowing it to blend in and appear even more like the content on your site.
As visitors are reading your web site they will come across your integrated ad and are more likely to feel that it is a viable part of your site's content and click.
Modifying the background color of your Google AdSense ads is one of the easiest ways to garner these clicks.
More clicks, means more money!! By taking that one step further you can also customize the border color of the AdSense ads.
It's as simple as changing the background color and is offered as an option when you set the ad up.
There are two different ways you may want to approach doing this.
One, you may want your ad to stand out and look like a 'menu block' on your website.
Simply set the border color to that of other 'blocks' on your site and let Google populate your new 'menu' with relevant advertising.
Two, set the border color the same as your background color.
In doing so you will cause the ads to not stand out as much and will look more like a part of your site.
To go even deeper and make the ads look more like part of your site, change the text and link colors to match that of your page.
Again, this can be done simply when setting up the ads and will deeper camouflage the fact that the links and text are ads.
Another tactic is to change these colors to make either the links or the text stand out and appear as if they lead to more important and in-depth information.
When employing one or all, or a combination of these simple effects you will be able to take your Google AdSense income to and further enhance your online business.
Good Luck.
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