Things You'll Need
1Gather the materials. Most of what you need to make a Wonder Woman costume will have to be purchased at a store. Depending on the variation you decide to create, you may have to even visit a specialty Halloween shop.
Make the shorts. Wonder Woman wears very small blue shorts that resemble a dark blue bathing suit bottom. If this proves a little too uncomfortable, try using a simple dark blue skirt, as vintage Wonder Woman was known to don a skirt in her original comic book. Either way, you'll need to attach white stars in various places on the bottoms.
Get the belt. Sitting just above her shorts is a thick gold belt. This can be a simple band or a more decorative one. As long as it's gold, you're in good shape.
Craft the top. Essentially, Wonder Woman wears a red bustier as the top portion of her costume. If this isn't quite appropriate for your costume, you can substitute a less-revealing piece such as a red tank top. Apply gold decorations and insignias to the top. Wonder Woman usually sports some sort of gold eagle or gold wings on the bodice of her outfit.
Put on the boots. If you can find red, knee-high boots, you can complete the costume with these. Other options for Wonder Woman's red boots are red shoes with knee-high socks, red knee-high stockings or red sandals that lace up to the knee. Get creative with this portion of the costume, as red boots are sometimes challenging to come by.
Finish it off. Get a black wig and a gold headband, and use gold accessories such as a tiara, jewelry and "magic" gold lasso to finish off the Wonder Woman costume. Though she is a tough super hero, Wonder Woman is also very conscientious about her outfit and accessories.