- According to the professionals at Beagle Dog Guide, there are different ideas on the best diet for your beagle's proper care. Most generic commercial dog foods do not provide appropriate nutritional needs for your dog's health. A beagle loves to eat and will eat just about anything from the floor, table, a child's hand--wherever they may see food, they feel it is theirs for the taking. It is extremely important that all family members (and guests who come over) be on the same page when it comes to the nutritional needs of your dog.
- The best thing you can do for your dog is provide a home-cooked meal. Then you know exactly what is in the food and can guarantee you put in proper ingredients and supplements for a nutritionally balanced meal. Start a recipe with 2 lbs. of lean meat, such as ground turkey, beef, ham, chicken, beef liver or a muscle meat, and cook through in a large frying pan. Add in about a cup of vegetables, such as a combination of potatoes, carrots and green beans. Cook until all is tender. This food can be refrigerated for about a week, served at room temperature. In addition to cooking with a frying pan, you can boil all the ingredients together. Your beagle will think this is the biggest treat, and you know the food is nutritional with no additives or fillers.
- Sometimes it is not feasible to cook for your dog, so there are many good nutritional foods out there for you to choose from. Look for food with three main sources of protein, such as chicken, lamb and salmon. Other beneficial ingredients are the preservative tocopherol (which is also a good source of vitamin E), fish oils, amino acids, and linoleic acid--all of which are important ingredients for healthy skin, coat, teeth, bones and overall well-being. Speak with your veterinarian or pet store staff for specific recommendations to fit your dog's particular needs.
- If you have your beagle on a nutritionally balanced diet, there is no need for extra supplements unless faced with special needs (for example, if your dog is ill or not eating each meal properly) at which point the food may not be providing all the nutrition needed. Again, speak with your veterinarian first. Fish oil and vitamins A, E and D are the most important supplements necessary for overall health.
- Generally, a beagle should be fed about a cup to a cup and a half of food twice daily.
Eating Habits
Home Cooking
Commercial Dog Foods
Feeding Guideline