Health & Medical Diabetes

Studies Linking Soda To Diabetes Understate The Health Hazards

November 6, 2006. Reputable health institutions like Harvard (the Nurses Study) and the Journal of the American Medical Association have found a link between drinking a can of soda every day and the development of Type 2 diabetes.

Based on scientific data, it was found that:

Hazard #1: High Calorie Drinks Increase Weight, Triggering Diabetic Response

- Calorie-rich, so-called soft-drinks' can have a major impact on obesity, in turn triggering a diabetic response. Just one beverage a day can add an estimated 15 pounds a year to the drinker's body weight

- The sugar rush' from the commonly used high fructose corn syrup (often used as a lower cost replacement for sugar) reduces the body's ability to keep up with the demand for insulin, resulting in an extended high level of sugar in the bloodstream or diabetes.

But that's not the whole story.

Hazard #2: Cheap sugar Sweetener Lowers Chromium Levels, Raises Blood Sugar Levels

According to Earl Mindell, author of Prescription Alternatives', the real culprit in the rising incidence of diabetes is that high fructose corn syrup depletes chromium in our systems.

Chromium has been documented in numerous studies to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

It helps glucose pass from the bloodstream into cells.

Specifically citing a U.S. Department of Agriculture report, Mindell notes that high fructose corn syrup sweeteners deplete our bodies of chromium the result being a rise in LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, or unhealthy blood sugar readings.

Mindell states that there is a direct correlation between the increase use of high fructose corn syrup sweeteners in soft drink beverages, and the growth of diabetes in the U.S. population.

Who Should Stop Drinking Soda?

According to Dr. David Ruben, author of Everything You Wanted to Know About Nutrition, the answer of who should stop drinking soda is everyone. Ruben adds The sugar is cheap, rotten, refined sugar that can only do you damage diabetes, obesity, tooth decay and all the rest.
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