- 1). Begin with a simple version of Bharadjavasana, or a seated twist that can be done in almost any type of chair (including at your desk at work). Sit in the chair so that your hips are at the front edge of your chair and your feet are easily flat on the floor, with your knees bent.Place your hands on the left edge of the chair (or its armrest, if it has one). Sitting upright on the center of your sitting bones, elongate your spine by reaching up through the crown of the head and then turning your chest toward the right side. Remain for 20 to 30 seconds, and repeat to the other side.
- 2). Proceed to a variation of Adho Mukha Svanasana, or downward-facing dog. Move your chair so that the chair back is propped against a wall or the front of your desk, so it will not move at all. Standing in front of the chair, grasp the top two edges of the chair so that your hands are shoulder-width apart. Walk your feet back until your back forms a straight “table top.” Your hips should be directly over your ankles, and your hands remain firmly grasping the top edges of the chair. Shrug your shoulder blades down toward your hips, and draw the front of your ribs up toward your spine. Do not let your head hand or chest sag. Remain for 20 to 30 seconds. Walk the feet in and sit to rest.
- 3). Notice if you are sliding at all. If you are, go to a wall and place your hands there, flat and shoulders-width apart. Walk the feet back and keep pressing your hands into the wall. You will get the same traction of the low spine as with the chair version.
- 4). Move your chair to the wall so that the back of the chair is against the wall and cannot move at all. Next is a variation of Salamba Sarvangasana, or shoulder stand. Place a thick towel or blanket on the seat of the chair.Sit on the floor in front of the chair, and swing your legs up onto the seat, placing the back of your calves on it. Lie back completely so only your legs remain on the chair seat.
- 5). Lie back and grasp the right chair leg with the right hand and the left chair leg with your left hand. Keeping the back of your head, shoulders and hips on the floor, extend the right leg up straight, coming off the chair seat. Lower it back to the chair seat. Repeat to the left side.If you are comfortable, lift both legs off the chair seat, and extend them toward the ceiling. Remain for 20 to 30 seconds. Lower your legs to the chair so the back of the calves are on the chair seat.
- 6). Rest in a supported version of Savasana, which means “corpse pose” but is seen as a symbolic “death” of attachment or agitation. Lie back so that your calves are on the chair seat and your knees are bent. Place a small pillow or folded blanket under the neck.Lying back, place the arms down by your sides, palms facing up. Shrug the shoulder blades down toward the waist, and draw the chin toward the chest. Close your eyes. Remain for at least 5 minutes. When you are rested, stretch the arms overhead and slowly move the legs from the chair, rolling off to the right side, using your hands to press up to sit up.