Health & Medical Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes - Physical Activity in Obese Elderly Women

It is so often found people past a certain age are not in good physical shape.
Every one's physical prowess declines with age.
Research actually indicates between the ages of thirty and seventy, flexibility typically declines by 20 to 30 percent, that muscle mass and work capacity decline by 25 to 30 percent, and bone mass also declines by 25 to 30 percent in women, and 15 to 20 percent in men.
But it's not too late to improve your physical condition even if you think it is.
If you are able to move at all, it's not too late.
According to a report published in the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, even a small amount of physical activity in elderly obese individuals can make measurable health improvements.
In December 2012 investigators at Sri Ramachandra University in India reported the results of a study of 18 elderly obese women diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.
  • 9 participants walked 5 minutes per hour for most of their waking hours for 24 weeks.
  • the other 9 followed standard protocols for diet and exercise.
At the end of the study the walking group improved its average HbA1c of 8.
76 percent to 7.
43 percent and also lost weight.
The control group's HbA1c showed a rise from 8.
34 percent to 9.
34 percent.
From these results, it was concluded repetitive low intensity activity is effective in improving blood sugar and weight control.
Walking under 2.
0 miles per hour burns about 140 calories for an individual weighing 155 pounds.
Assuming the women walked 5 minutes every hour 18 hours a day, they walked for 1.
5 hours each day.
Walking slowly for 1.
5 hours would have burned about 210 calories per day, or 1470 calories per week which would add up to 35,280 calories in 24 weeks.
That's about 10 pounds of fat.
The improved blood sugar control shows that insulin sensitivity also improved.
Since insulin resistance is the hallmark of Type 2 diabetes, a simple short walk taken in increments of only 5 minutes every waking hour can add up to clear improvements in the condition.
Feeling too old to begin training for marathons, or too obese to get into your old swimsuit? You can still do yourself some good with a little walking.
Next time you are reading, knitting, or watching television, make it a point to get up and stretch your legs for 5 minutes every hour.
What have you got to lose? Only some fat and insulin resistance!
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