Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Things You Should Know About the Provillus Hair Regrowth Treatment

Provillus is the first hair regrowth treatment to be formulated around a dual-action approach to treating thinning hair in both men and women.
Quickly becoming the best-selling treatment available today, Provillus fully deserves its solid reputation for being both effective and fast acting.
Hair loss can be attributed to a number of causes.
Hereditary conditions, stress, chronic illness, even dietary habits can contribute to weak and thinning hair and eventually visible loss or even baldness.
Hereditary aspects are usually quoted as being the most common cause of hair loss, closely followed by poor dietary habits and a reduced intake of vitamins and minerals.
Our body needs the correct amount of nutrients to work properly and our follicles are no exception to this.
Starve your body of essential nutrients and your follicles will soon start to pay the price.
Hereditary hair loss is largely misunderstood.
What is passed on through the genes isn't weak hair as such.
What is inherited is a susceptibility to a Testosterone derivative called Dihydrotestosterone or DHT for short.
DHT is produced by an enzyme called 5-alpha Reductase, which metabolizes this from the normal Testosterone found in the body.
DHT acts directly on your follicles, starving these of essential nutrients and reducing their life-span.
As the affected follicles become gradually weaker and weaker, they lose the ability to produce strong, thriving hair and instead grow weak, thin hair.
Eventually, the affected follicles lose the ability to grow hair altogether, leading to pronounced loss and eventually, total baldness.
Fortunately, this is a condition that can be reversed.
Inhibit the activity of the 5-alpha Reductase and the DHT produced will be less, meaning less damage to hair follicles and less hair loss.
The 5-alpha Reductase enzyme really is at the root of hair loss.
Modern science has given us an effective 5-alpha Reductase inhibitor in Minoxidil.
Minoxidil has been at the center of several clinical studies and its effectiveness against the 5-alpha Reductase is well documented and supported by hard evidence.
So effective in fact is Minoxidil that the FDA has approved it as an ingredient in a hair regrowth treatment.
To date, the only hair loss product to contain Minoxidil is Provillus.
The Provillus Hair Regrowth Treatment includes a 5% Minoxidil topical solution for external use directly on your hair follicles.
As the Minoxidil reduces the production of DHT, your follicles re-gain their strength and their hair growing ability.
The result? Thicker, more vibrant hair, a drastic reduction in hair loss and visible hair regrowth in a matter of weeks.
The Provillus Hair Regrowth treatment doesn't stop there though.
Reducing the DHT is only one part of the equation.
Nourishing and nurturing your hair is the other part.
Vibrant hair is healthy hair and healthy hair needs a daily intake of essential nutrients, vital to the correct growth and function of hair follicles.
Thankfully, the makers of Provillus have covered this requirement as well.
With a potent combination of proven hair nutrients, the Provillus Hair Regrowth Treatment restores the balance and health of your hair follicles.
Nutrients such as Saw Palmetto, Ginseng, Vitamin B, Biotin and Magnesium combine into a dietary supplement to nourish your hair follicles and lead to vibrant, healthy hair.
Feed-back on the Provillus Hair Regrowth Treatment has been overwhelmingly positive.
Highly praised both for its effectiveness and speed of growth, Provillus even comes with a comprehensive money back guarantee.
Try Provillus for a full 90 days and if not thrilled with the results, return for a refund.
No fuss, no bother.
Living with hair loss needn't be part of your life anymore.
With a tried and tested combination of scientific research and time honoured hair nutrients, the Provillus Hair Regrowth Treatment is making believers of hair loss sufferers around the world and making a lot of friends in the process.
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