Health & Medical Fitness & bodybuilding

Tighten Your Thighs in Just 4 Weeks!

You can do these exercises at home without any additional equipment, and you'll see results in four to six weeks. It is important to know that these exercises are the most effective in combination with aerobic exercises and healthy nutrition. Best exercises for thighs and buttocks are those where you use your own body weight. Exercises like squats, leg lifting and lunges are actually the only exercises you need if you want to have sexy thighs and firm buttocks.

There are many variations of these simple exercises that you can choose according to your physical condition.

For best results, start with 15-20 repetitions and one set of exercises. Slowly increase to two sets. Work out at least twice a week to achieve best results. That is an effective program for strengthening muscles for beginners and moderate recreation. For optimal program adapted to your needs, consult with a fitness trainer. If you have any kind of injuries or illness you should consult with your doctor before starting to exercise.

Squats with dumbbells

Take weights in each hand and put them on your shoulders. Stand up straight; keep your feet in level with your shoulders and toes turned slightly outward. Spread the weight equally on both feet. Heels must be firmly on the floor during the entire exercise. Inhale and slowly lower into a squat. Then, while exhaling, straight yourself up to the starting position keeping the head and torso straight.

Repeat exercise 12 to 15 times. If you do not have weights you can use two half-liter bottles filled with water.

Wall squats - exercise for the front of the thighs

Lean your upper back to a smooth wall. Stand with your feet spread apart to shoulder width, toes slightly facing out. Spread the weight equally on both feet and lean your back on the wall. Inhale while holding heels in constant contact with floor and slowly lower in the squat. Exhale and slowly straighten your legs, return to the starting position keeping your head and chest straight.

Repeat the exercise. You can also do this exercise so that you put the Swiss ball between the wall and your back.

Lunges - exercise for the front part of thighs

Stand up straight with your feet apart a little more than shoulder width. With exhale step with one foot forward lowering the body until your back knee touches the floor. Knee of the front leg should be above the toes. With exhale return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with other leg.

For more advanced form of exercise, take weights in your hands and do the exercise with them. If you have problems with knees, consult with your doctor before performing these exercises.

Exercise for the outer and back part of thighs

Sit on the floor with legs stretched out in front of you. Bend right knee and place your right foot over left leg. Grasp the right knee with your hands and gently pull it to your left shoulder. Hold this position for 30 seconds then repeat the exercise with your left foot

Butterfly - exercise for inner thighs

Sit down with upright back. Connect your feet and draw them as close as possible to your body. Lower your hands to your feet and do a slight pressure, gently press the knees down with your hand. Hold this position for thirty seconds.

Stretching the front of thighs

Lie on your stomach, feet should be joined together. Place your left hand behind your back and get the right ankle. Raise your right heel up as far as you can. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat the exercise with the other hand and leg.

Stretching the inner thighs

Sit on the floor and spread your legs as much as you can. Lean to the right side and grasp the toes or ankle. Hold this position for thirty seconds. Repeat the exercise on the left side.

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