Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

How Can I Grow My Kinky Hair?

    Things to Avoid

    • In order to grow kinky hair, you must first avoid certain products and practices that encourage your hair to become dry and break off. You will first need to minimize using heat-based strengtheners, especially hot combs. Hot combs and straightening irons are often used by people with kinky hair to straighten it. These heat-based strengtheners can often cause the hair to become heat damaged by frying the hair and causing it to become burned and split. It may also cause cicatricial alopecia by the heat source getting too close to the scalp and burning it. This causes scar tissue to form in the hair follicle, which makes it impossible for new hair to grow.

      You also need to avoid using chemical hair relaxers. These are used to straighten the hair by using a mixture of chemicals. These chemicals if used incorrectly may cause the scalp to develop chemical burns which may also cause cicatricial alopecia (hair loss due to scarring). It may also cause your hair to melt or mesh together from over-processing. This is caused by the chemical applications being applied too close together or left on beyond the recommended application time.

      Avoid tight hairstyles, such as tightly pulled ponytails, buns (which encourage split and dried ends), tightly braided extensions, glued-in extensions or cornrows. These hairstyles may encourage follicular damage, which causes hair loss (traction alopecia). This type of hair loss, if extensive, may not re-grow. Also avoid using hair gel, spritz or hairsprays that contain alcohol, which may over-dry the hair.

    Things to Implement

    • The first thing you want to do is wash your hair every few days and deep condition it at least twice a week. Deep conditioners should be left in for a minimum of 20 minutes. Once the conditioner is applied, you should sit under a hair dryer with your hair in a plastic shower cap. This will allow the conditioner to activate and penetrate the hair follicles and hair roots. Deep conditioners are used to moisturize the hair and transfer oils to the hair that are used to encourage hair growth (olive oil, garlic oil, castor oil and avocado oil) as well as mend damage caused by chemical processing.

      You must also use daily moisturizers in the hair to increase the hair's elasticity, which will help prevent snapping and breakage. This will also keep your scalp lubricated, which will strengthen the hair and follicles. If you have alopecia thinning, you can use over--the-counter Minoxidil to help encourage re-growth.

      Before sleeping you should tie the hair to keep your hair from tangling and rubbing out while sleeping. If you must put heat in your hair, use heat-protective serum. In addition, you should use shampoos and conditioners that are formulated for dry or damaged hair, and shampoos and conditioners that are formulated to stimulate hair growth.

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