Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

UK Divorce figures continue to rise

What are the reasons that take couples to court to hastily untie the knot they so lovingly tied together before their families and friends? Is it boredom, immaturity, inability to work at maintaining a relationship or simple incompatibility or all these factors joined together which leads to a divorce?

It is said, marriages are made in heaven; and a marriage vow says, "Let no one untie what has god joined together. " However, if marriages are made in heaven why did nearly 120,000 couples in England and Wales opt for divorce in the year 2010, a five per cent increase from the previous year. What are the reasons that take couples to court to hastily untie the knot they so lovingly tied together before their families and friends? Is it boredom, immaturity, inability to work at maintaining a relationship or simple incompatibility or all these factors joined together which leads to a divorce?

Behaviour experts have analysed the issues that lead to a divorce and discovered not one but several reasons for the increase in the divorce rate. Terri Bodell, who studies broken relationships, has come up with several plausible reasons. She says there are several reasons for the breakup of marriages. Sometimes couples think marriage is a panacea for everything in their lives. It will solve all their personal, social and financial disorders and problems. They have high expectations of the marriage and are disappointed when these are not met. Instead of working together on relationship issues and solving them in a mature manner, they sometimes make a hasty decision to end the relationship.

Marriage is like other human relationships, it needs time and effort, careful attention and understanding to develop and nurture it. Yet the modern couples in the UK expect instant bliss, gratifications of all desires and happiness from their marriage. The technological breakthroughs have made modern man addicted to instant gratification of all desires. They are so used to pushing the apps on a computer, laptop, iPhone or tablet to get instant results that they want the same push button result from their marriage as well. When the results are not instant, they give up on their relationships and go for a fresh relationship. This is the reason why the divorce rate in the UK continues to rise.

Terri says that all relationships need open communication lines between the two parties. Marriage is a social contract like other contracts. The contract needs to be scrutinised, discussed, and negotiated before the final signature. The process is long, arduous and plodding, it means giving up personal desires to work towards a mutually satisfying relationship as mature individuals. Every relationship goes through a give and take process and a successful and happy marriage also goes through a similar process. Staying together for economic reasons or because a couple has children is not an option for a healthy marriage. If the couple stays together because they have children and they do not want their children to suffer emotionally, the trauma the children suffer when they see constant bickering is worst. In such a case it is better to make a clean break and get a divorce.

Marriages are complicated relationships and there are no hard short rules as to why they prosper or fail; but the main reason for failure of any relationship is a lack of constant, open and frank communication lines.
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