- 1). Place a clear glass container or bowl on the tabletop. Choose a bowl that is no more than 8 inches tall so that the guests can still make eye contact across the table. Use a single wide bowl on small tables and two or more small bowls on long tables.
- 2). Fill the bowls up to one-third full with decorative filler. Use glass floral pebbles or river rocks in colors that complement the candles or the other table décor. Or choose event-specific items. For example, place fishing weights inside plastic tree ornaments and place these in the bowl for Christmas dinner, or glue the weights to artificial flowers and set these in the bottom of the bowl for a spring luncheon.
- 3). Add water to the bowl to within 2 inches of the rim. Use clear water or add one to three drops of liquid food coloring to add a gentle tint to the water.
- 4). Set the floating candles on top of the water, taking care not to wet the wicks. Use an odd number of candles, covering approximately one-half the water's surface with the candles.
- 5). Light the candles with a long fireplace match or use a long butane lighter. Light the candles just prior to sitting down to the table.