I am sure that you might have come across numerous skincare products, especially collagen facial creams, with a promise that "I can nourish your skin with this wonderful protein.
" But have you ever wondered that why even after using a collagen facial cream for a long time you have not seen any substantial results? Read on to find out.
You might find many cosmetic products with collagen on their ingredients label.
I do not doubt their intentions; all I am saying is that even if you use a collagen laden cream it might not be useful because the molecules won't get absorbed by your skin.
Another gimmick that you should be aware of is the collagen pills and shots.
Many skin clinics boast to increase collagen level artificially.
It might work for a short time but not without any side effect.
Moreover such treatments are superficial they just make you hide from the real issue; they are not treating the root cause.
Therefore it is in your best interest to stay away from such treatments.
Collagen, as you know, is a protein like structure that is present in our muscles, tissues and ligaments.
Our skin cells produce the protein on a regular basis i.
our body has the capability of producing it.
Due to factors both internal and external like aging and environmental pollution the quality of our skin cells deteriorates and they start producing lesser amount of this protein.
The result is seen as sagging skin, wrinkles, forehead lines and crow feet.
The solution in such case is to increase the levels of collagen so that skin and other tissues can retain their original shape.
If you study the structure of collagen you will come to know that its molecules are too large to penetrate our skin.
The only way for a collagen facial cream to work is to provide nourishment to skin cells in a way that their own capacity to produce more collagen gets increased.
Look for Natural Ingredients If you really are looking for a cream that can help you boost the levels of collagen then look for ingredients that nourish the skin cells in a way to enhance their collagen production capability.
One such ingredient is CynergyTK.
It is extracted from the soft wool of sheep found in New Zealand.
It is by far the best ingredient known till date that nourishes the skin from within.
It replenishes the skin with lost nutrients and minerals.
The result of collagen facial cream that uses this ingredient is far more superlative as compared to the other ones.
There are more such natural ingredients, if used they can really boost the performance of any collagen facial cream.
Visit my website Skin Health Solution and learn more about such wonder ingredients used in high quality skin care products.
" But have you ever wondered that why even after using a collagen facial cream for a long time you have not seen any substantial results? Read on to find out.
You might find many cosmetic products with collagen on their ingredients label.
I do not doubt their intentions; all I am saying is that even if you use a collagen laden cream it might not be useful because the molecules won't get absorbed by your skin.
Another gimmick that you should be aware of is the collagen pills and shots.
Many skin clinics boast to increase collagen level artificially.
It might work for a short time but not without any side effect.
Moreover such treatments are superficial they just make you hide from the real issue; they are not treating the root cause.
Therefore it is in your best interest to stay away from such treatments.
Collagen, as you know, is a protein like structure that is present in our muscles, tissues and ligaments.
Our skin cells produce the protein on a regular basis i.
our body has the capability of producing it.
Due to factors both internal and external like aging and environmental pollution the quality of our skin cells deteriorates and they start producing lesser amount of this protein.
The result is seen as sagging skin, wrinkles, forehead lines and crow feet.
The solution in such case is to increase the levels of collagen so that skin and other tissues can retain their original shape.
If you study the structure of collagen you will come to know that its molecules are too large to penetrate our skin.
The only way for a collagen facial cream to work is to provide nourishment to skin cells in a way that their own capacity to produce more collagen gets increased.
Look for Natural Ingredients If you really are looking for a cream that can help you boost the levels of collagen then look for ingredients that nourish the skin cells in a way to enhance their collagen production capability.
One such ingredient is CynergyTK.
It is extracted from the soft wool of sheep found in New Zealand.
It is by far the best ingredient known till date that nourishes the skin from within.
It replenishes the skin with lost nutrients and minerals.
The result of collagen facial cream that uses this ingredient is far more superlative as compared to the other ones.
There are more such natural ingredients, if used they can really boost the performance of any collagen facial cream.
Visit my website Skin Health Solution and learn more about such wonder ingredients used in high quality skin care products.