Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Make Visualization Really Work For You

First of all, let me tell you that visualization does work.
It is not hocus pocus, but scientific.
All experts agree in the fact that you can reprogram your mind for achieving a desired goal as long as your subconscious mind accepts what you want as truth, and the new neural connections prepare your whole being to look for, and find, the opportunities to make your goals a reality.
I once read about an up-and-coming skateboarder who said he never stopped skateboarding: "I do it, think it, eat it, breathe it, and sleep it.
" Now, you now that the root of his achievements lies on the multiple inputs on his brain with a life on skateboarding.
Recently the teen-age son of an acquaintance got into his third problem with the local police.
The father and I new why this had happened: for a year and a half the young man had thought about the life of crime others had lead; he researched gang life, and the life of many Mafiosi; he was fascinated by the whole deal.
He had opened his mind up to an experience of the life of crime.
Fortunately, the father was able to show his son how he himself had created the bad experiences with the police through the use of the Law of Attraction, and how he was able to change the results.
If you want to program your mind on purpose to achieve what you want, here are some useful techniques.
Create vision board or album You can create a poster, or an album decorated with pictures of the experiences you want.
Write captions under the pictures, intermingle real pictures of yourself and your loved ones.
Make sure these images are your own personal choices, things that move you-even into tears: the castle you always wanted to visit, the car you have always wanted to drive, the façade of the school to where you want to send your children, the fruit you know you should be eating more often.
Re-write your life story.
Write a composition of the life you want to have, in the present tense.
Use as much detail as possible, and don't hold anything back.
Bring into your writing the five senses, and all the feelings that would arise in such reality.
I suggest you chose a particular moment in your "day" and go deep.
Record yourself.
Make a recording of your own voice expressing, what your ideal life is like; you can use the first or the third person; use your favorite music in the background.
You can record your favorite affirmations relating to your goals.
Listen to your recordings while you do other things: while you drive, clean the house, go shopping, sleep, or do homework, etc.
John Assaraf recommends that the music be louder than your voice, so that your affirmations by-pass your conscious mind and go straight into the subconscious.
Re-write your goals everyday.
Brian Tracy recommends you re-write your main 10 or 12 goals on the pages of a spiral notebook, daily.
You write them first thing in the morning, and read them in the middle of the day, and in the evening, before going to bed.
Do this for a whole year, and do not quit.
Dance with your goals.
Choose a rhythm, or melody you like, preferably without lyrics, and while your dance and sway to it, say your affirmations, and sing out your goals.
Have fun with it.
Make it a truly liberating experience.
I am convinced that these practices work.
They have for me and for countless other individuals.
You have the power of creating your reality; why not make it the one you really desire?
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