Health & Medical Self-Improvement

What Is Holding You Back?

"I don't think in terms of obstacles. The biggest obstacle is always myself." -Steve Earle

I just taught a 5 week workshop on Live on Purpose and what seemed to come up most often are the roadblocks that keep people stuck and hold them back from living a better life. I know that sounds cliché but living a better life eludes many people. As a matter of fact not only can you live a better life but you can go on to live an awesome life, IF you get out of your own way! So, what's holding YOU back?

The most popular on the Top 10 Charts of human roadblocks are people's fears, their limiting beliefs and living their lives in the past. And you can remove all 3 of these if you really want to live a better life. I know it's easier said than done, but ask yourself, "What is so easy about living the way you are and wishing things were different?"

Comfort comes to mind. Even though you may long and wish to change some circumstance in your life that warm cozy feeling of living in your comfort zone is a lot less scary than walking through your fears. And, letting go of the past is like losing your life since that is where you live your life; in the past.

Lastly, your limiting beliefs have always dictated how you think of yourself and how you live your life because you've decided to believe they are true instead of challenging their validity. Additionally, limiting beliefs add nothing to your life and take everything you'd like to experience away from you, if you buy into them. They are invisible barriers that hold you prisoner of your own beliefs!

So, how do you get rid of the top 3 roadblocks that stop you in your tracks? I am going to give you the short version of what I taught in the workshop.

The best way to let go of your fears is to walk through them. Do the thing you're afraid of! Each time your fears well up let them know that you are now in charge and you have a new plan for you! Break them apart and most times you will find that they were imaginary. Just like when you were a kid, the boogie man was made up in your mind as being real, so are many of your fears. When you face them they will have less power over you than you thought. Conquer your fears or they will conquer you.

Next, take your limiting beliefs and put them on the table. Then dissect them by asking yourself several questions such as: Is this really true? Is what you are saying 100% factual? What is the payoff for holding onto this belief? Who would I be without this thought? What would my life be like without this thought? Is it possible that the opposite of this belief is also true? And there are many more questions that you can ask to get to the crux of your beliefs.

Then re-script the old worn out belief and replace it with a new belief that serves you. When the old one is knocking on the door and wants in, think of your new re-scripted belief instead, this is called reprogramming your sub-conscious mind.

And how do you stop living in the past? Just stop it! I'm kidding and I'm not. First you need to understand that the past only exists in your mind. It's gone, it's over, it's done; it's not real, it is the past. And it only exists because you keep thinking about it. You keep it alive by your habitual thoughts of reliving it. What is real is this moment, right now, today.

The entire last module I taught in the workshop was on resistance and acceptance. Read these next sentences slowly so they sink in. When you resist what is; you suffer. When you are attached to the way you wish things would've been you will struggle against life. Until you learn to accept what is, you will hold yourself hostage living in the past and also living in pain. Acceptance is facing reality. Once you accept reality you let go of resisting what is and your free yourself from the past and the pain.

So if you were wondering what has been holding you back from living the life you want, now you know. Of course there may be other obstacles in your path but these are the big 3. Once you move beyond these roadblocks you can begin to live the life you've always dreamed of, a better life on many levels! Do the thing you think you can't, it's worth it!

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