Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Effective Ways to Quit Smoking that Guarantee Success

Nicotine addiction is one of the most powerful addictions known to man.
It's dependency is just as much psychological as well as it is physical, so with a better understanding of our adversary (nicotine) we can leverage our resources to find more effective ways to quit smoking that guarantee success.
You know how you feel when you make up your mind and decide that you are going to do a certain thing (no matter what that thing or project is) and nothing or no one is going to stand in the way of the completion or success of that particular thing.
That's the approach that needs to be taken when looking for effective ways to quit smoking, you have to want to stop at all cost.
Now I'm not suggesting that your approach should be with total abandon, not at all but it should be approached with the attitude that failure is not an option.
One effective way to quit smoking is the introduction of nicotine replacement products such as "nicotine patches, nicotine gum and pills.
These products have been known to have an excellent effect on suppressing the nicotine urge.
The problem is they only address the physical side of the addiction, so if your going to use nicotine replacement methods be sure to couple that with some type of psychological therapy to help guarantee success.
We are talking about a life style change that will have a profound effect on how you feel about yourself and it will be extremely positive.
Nicotine fading...
this method will build character as well as self confidence if executed and done properly, I like to call this the "weaning method" and it will yield some very powerful and satisfying results.
Very simply, switch to brands of lesser strength over a designated period of time without increasing the number of cigarettes you smoke a day or how deeply you inhale or pull on your cigarettes.
Sound's simple? it takes focus and discipline to be successful with this method, but if you really want to quit this can be a very effective method to quit smoking.
Relapse prevention:...
is like having a plan of action in place that will almost undeniably insure your quit smoking success.
This method deals mainly with the psychological side of the addiction, but a clear understanding and knowledge of who you are will a definitely give you an edge with this method.
Knowing and recognizing your triggers puts you in a better position to avoid them whatever they may be.
Find a support group:...
People helping people have always been connected with high percentage success rates, knowing your not alone and drawing from other peoples strengths, and the giving back from your own personal experiences, has an almost calming effect, one that's very much needed especially dealing with nicotine addiction.
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