Those who believe in objective reality look at what is and observe.
Believers in subjective reality look at what could be and manifest.
This is what Abraham teaches us.
Once you learn that the Universe and Law of Attraction will respond to your imagination, then you can manifest new creations without having to wait for the engineers to do it for you.
Our spiritual abilities are speeding up and becoming more powerful as we move to the end of this time, and prepare for the new world, the new time that will follow the change of 2012.
Many of our spiritual teachers have been experiencing this.
John Grey explains that courses in energy that used to take students a week to learn, they are now learning in a weekend.
So, it is time now to begin to pay as much attention to your thoughts as yesterday you paid to your clothes and the food that you ate.
Your thoughts have a greater effect on your state, your well being than either your clothes or your food.
It from your thoughts that you manifest.
The Path of Flowing Allowance
This is our soul's purpose.
Sometimes this is illusive.
Some people have more trouble finding this than others.
But always, always, always, we are connected to it through our internal guidance system and if we follow this guidance, we will achieve our soul's purpose and manifest whatever we desire.
I will not go into this now, but Robert Anthony and Brian Tracy both give detailed instructions on how to find your soul's purpose.
Andrea Hess has a website where you can study more about this or sign up for a reading on your soul's purpose.
She will look in the Akashic Records for your instructions.
For now, let's just take one step at a time.
You are reading this article.
For some reason you chose to read this.
We hope that you chose to read it because it spoke to you.
If someone else is making you read it, put it aside and find the article that you want to read.
This will keep you in flowing allowance and insure you a future that is in the flow of well being.
The path of flowing allowance is always the path of least resistance because that is when you are working in alignment, or in partnership with Source.
What About Bad Things Happening to Good People?
Trust the Universe.
The Universe is your partner in manifesting according to the Law of Attraction.
There is a Buddhist story about a Monk who walks into a store and is given a new Mercedes for being the 1000th new visitor.
People gather 'round him and say, "What great luck for you!" He says, "Maybe.
" The next day he is driving, and a truck runs a stop sign and runs into him, turing the car over and over.
He is pulled out of the wreak after sustaining a badly broken arm.
People gather 'round and say, "What bad luck you have had.
Your new car..
" His response is "Maybe.
" He is hospitalized after surgery to repair the bones separated in his arm, and a friend comes to visit.
While he is there, complaining about a bad rain storm in their village, the news shows pictures of a mudslide that demolished several homes.
One of those homes was the Monks.
His friend says, "Oh, my.
That was your home! What luck that you were here and not at home!" The Monk's response, "Maybe.
Believers in subjective reality look at what could be and manifest.
This is what Abraham teaches us.
Once you learn that the Universe and Law of Attraction will respond to your imagination, then you can manifest new creations without having to wait for the engineers to do it for you.
Our spiritual abilities are speeding up and becoming more powerful as we move to the end of this time, and prepare for the new world, the new time that will follow the change of 2012.
Many of our spiritual teachers have been experiencing this.
John Grey explains that courses in energy that used to take students a week to learn, they are now learning in a weekend.
So, it is time now to begin to pay as much attention to your thoughts as yesterday you paid to your clothes and the food that you ate.
Your thoughts have a greater effect on your state, your well being than either your clothes or your food.
It from your thoughts that you manifest.
The Path of Flowing Allowance
- The first step toward improving your spiritual life or manifesting the life you choose, is to make every decision to move toward what you prefer rather than toward what you think is better, or toward what you think you should do.
Make every decision a choice of ice cream.
Surely, you don't choose your ice cream based on what you think you should do? You choose the one, that you imagine tasting better.
This will always bring you to a higher vibration.
The higher your vibrations, the faster your manifestations.
This is the Law of Attraction.
This is our soul's purpose.
Sometimes this is illusive.
Some people have more trouble finding this than others.
But always, always, always, we are connected to it through our internal guidance system and if we follow this guidance, we will achieve our soul's purpose and manifest whatever we desire.
I will not go into this now, but Robert Anthony and Brian Tracy both give detailed instructions on how to find your soul's purpose.
Andrea Hess has a website where you can study more about this or sign up for a reading on your soul's purpose.
She will look in the Akashic Records for your instructions.
For now, let's just take one step at a time.
You are reading this article.
For some reason you chose to read this.
We hope that you chose to read it because it spoke to you.
If someone else is making you read it, put it aside and find the article that you want to read.
This will keep you in flowing allowance and insure you a future that is in the flow of well being.
The path of flowing allowance is always the path of least resistance because that is when you are working in alignment, or in partnership with Source.
What About Bad Things Happening to Good People?
- This is the second step, to maintain control over your thoughts, and push away any negative thoughts with a countering thought of well being and happiness.
At that point, you can be sure that any difficulty in your life has not been manifested by you.
-- So why then would some difficulty come into your life?
Trust the Universe.
The Universe is your partner in manifesting according to the Law of Attraction.
There is a Buddhist story about a Monk who walks into a store and is given a new Mercedes for being the 1000th new visitor.
People gather 'round him and say, "What great luck for you!" He says, "Maybe.
" The next day he is driving, and a truck runs a stop sign and runs into him, turing the car over and over.
He is pulled out of the wreak after sustaining a badly broken arm.
People gather 'round and say, "What bad luck you have had.
Your new car..
" His response is "Maybe.
" He is hospitalized after surgery to repair the bones separated in his arm, and a friend comes to visit.
While he is there, complaining about a bad rain storm in their village, the news shows pictures of a mudslide that demolished several homes.
One of those homes was the Monks.
His friend says, "Oh, my.
That was your home! What luck that you were here and not at home!" The Monk's response, "Maybe.
- Trust your internal guidance, and trust in the Universe to keep you in the flow of well being.
This sounds easy, but it requires spiritual discipline.
This is the third step, to maintain your spiritual connection by meditation or quiet "checking in" with your higher power at least once a day, but for manifesting using the Law of Attraction, more is better.