Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Siberian Husky Potty Training

Siberian Husky potty training doesn't have to be a major ordeal.
These dogs are very smart, and it doesn't usually take long for them to figure out that the living room floor is not a toilet.
However, they can be quite stubborn, so a basic understanding of Husky psychology will help you tremendously in your Siberian Husky potty training adventure.
One thing you should keep in mind when dealing with a Husky is their intelligence.
They get bored very easily; if you leave your Husky home alone all day, don't be surprised if he "potties" all over the house out of spite.
If you can't keep your Husky occupied during the day, consider an outdoor run for him.
While most dogs can wait many hours to be let out to go to the bathroom, a Husky will often not bother.
She might think: why hold it when there's a perfectly good spot behind the armchair? While your Husky likely understands the concept of not going potty in the house, she needs to be convinced that outside is the place to go, every single time.
Another important aspect of Siberian Husky potty training is discipline.
Be very, very careful disciplining your Husky.
They can be very sensitive and a bit reserved, so you may be unaware of how your behavior is affecting your dog.
Yelling and screaming are never an effective method for a Husky, and never, ever rub her nose in her mistake.
Fortunately, Siberian Husky potty training can be successful with consistent, effective training.
Check out Siberian Husky Potty Training for more information and tips.
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