Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Non-Prescription Medication For Hair Loss

Like so many treatments on the market if you want to buy medication such as propecia it can be expensive.
Not as expensive as laser therapy or hair transplants but expensive enough when all you're getting is a pill.
Genuine propecia or finasteride should cost in and around £36 per month give or take.
Are we stuck with this or is there something else on the market we can take as a substitute? There are clinics out there who have developed their own medication, herbal in nature.
Advanced Hair Studio is one such clinic.
Usually clients signing up for laser therapy will get monoxidil and herbal based tablets to compliment the therapy.
They do this to try and optimize the end result which is admirable but it's worth noting that all clinics should do this.
If you come across one that doesn't then ask why not.
But let's say you wanted to buy tablets of this nature on their own without having to sign up for a treatment costing at least £2000.
Where do you go? You could search through the net and find quite a few sites offering non-prescription drugs to combat hair loss.
Problem is, some of these aren't FDA approved so you run the risk of taking a medication and if you suffer side effects, you really have no where to turn to.
The best thing to do is find a reputable company and contact them.
Read up on blogs or reviews and see what people think.
There are companies out there with a rock solid reputation on providing treatments for hair loss.
They may not always be permanent treatments but treatments nonetheless.
An example of such a company is Nanogen.
They have their own labs and have developed their own product line which is held in high standard in the hair loss industry.
Take my word for it.
Even Advanced Hair Studio use some of their procucts.
As I said before propecia can cost up to £36 per month.
A substitute sold by Nanogen can be purchased for as little as £14.
99 for a month's supply.
I have a section on my site dedicated to Nanogen products.
Feel free to browse.
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