- 1). Choose the type of mulch you want to use in your yard. Pine needles, pine bark and oak leaves are effective for mulching around acidic plants because they contain acidic substances. Compost is lightly alkaline, so it can be used near alkaline-loving plants. If your soil is too acidic or alkaline, you can use a mulch to bring a soil level to the correct pH range.
- 2). Determine how deep your mulch should be spread. Spread fine mulch 2 inches deep across flower beds. Spread coarse mulch in a 4-inch layer.
- 3). Draw a diagram of your yard. Indicate the locations of your flower beds. Measure the length and width of each flower bed in feet. Multiply the two numbers to calculate the square footage of each bed. Write the results on the appropriate flower bed in the diagram.
- 4). Add the square footage amounts from each bed to determine the total square footage to be covered with mulch.
- 5). Multiply the total square footage by the number of inches of mulch depth you desire. Divide the result by 324 -- the number of square feet that one cubic yard will cover -- to determine how many cubic yards of mulch you will need to buy.