Health & Medical Yoga

Main Types of Yoga

    Hatha Yoga

    • Hatha yoga describes a simple style of yoga that encompasses the typical view of yoga. Hatha yoga uses basic poses and focuses on using these poses combined with breathing exercises to teach the body and mind to slow down and reflect. Hatha yoga forms the foundation for other styles of yoga, and uses the poses to stretch and strengthen the body while increasing awareness of the movement of your body. Practice of hatha yoga promotes de-stressing and flexibility.

    Bikram Yoga

    • Bikram yoga is best known for the high temperature of the room during a yoga session, which generally ranges from 95 to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and humidity levels up to 40 percent. The high temperature is intended to promote increased flexibility and removal of toxins. The increased flexibility helps to reduce injuries and offers additional fitness benefits. Bikram yoga, founded by Bikram Choudhury, uses a series of 26 yoga poses performed in two vigorous sequences.

    Ashtanga Yoga

    • Ashtanga yoga, sometimes called power yoga, is a fast-paced style that focuses on using proper breathing techniques while quickly moving through a series of poses. Ashtanga yoga uses six basic sequences of poses in rapid succession, so a basic knowledge of yoga poses is helpful. Although ashtanga yoga does not place a great deal of emphasis on calmness and meditation, the vigorous internal heat and strength that it offers promote stamina and flexibility.

    Iyengar Yoga

    • Iyengar yoga, developed by B.K.S. Iyengar, focuses on maintaining poses for a longer time in a more precise manner. Poses in Iyengar yoga use blocks, straps and cushions to help the body ease into the yoga pose properly. Rather than focusing on speed or relaxation, Iyengar yoga focuses on taking all the time necessary to make sure that the pose is executed properly. This makes Iyengar yoga ideal for those recovering from injuries or yoga beginners.

    Kundalini Yoga

    • Kundalini yoga focuses on creating a connection between the mind and body, breathing and meditation in addition to traditional yoga poses. The main goal of kundalini yoga is to awake the energy found at the base of the spine. This energy is usually depicted coiled like a snake that must be uncoiled and drawn upward. Mantras form an important part of a kundalini yoga practice.

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