- Use plastic skeletons for the Halloween scene game.halloween image by photosite from Fotolia.com
Planning Halloween party games for older kids can be challenging. Older kids tend to think some games are childish. Plan a variety of party games that older kids will find entertaining, fun and challenging so they do not get bored. Award gift cards to a local retail store or iTunes to keep the party guests interested in playing games. - Inflate several orange and black balloons before the party. Write dares on small slips of paper to put inside the balloons. Ideas for what a teen would have to "dare" to do could include things like standing on his head for one minute, naming a crush or singing a chorus to a Britney Spears song and/or showing his best dance move. Place a piece of paper in a few of the balloons that declares the teen with this balloon a winner and give him a prize. Make enough balloons for every teen to go twice and let each player pop a balloon one at a time.
- Divide the teens up into teams of four or five players. Give each team a box with items, such as fake blood, plastic skeleton bones, old clothes, scary masks, plastic weapons, wigs and face paint. Each team has 15 minutes to create a short Halloween scene from a scary movie. The teams must use all their items in their team box to create the scene. Let each team practice their scene in different rooms. After 15 minutes, have each team come out and perform their Halloween scene. Get three or four adult judges to determine a winner. If you want to award prizes to more than one team, award prizes for the scariest, funniest and most realistic Halloween scene.
- Purchase several white and orange pumpkins, as well as some gourds. Take a permanent marker, and write points on each one of the pumpkins and gourds. Before the party, hide the pumpkins and gourds in the backyard, front yard and around the house. When you are ready to do the pumpkin hunt, tell the teens they must find as many pumpkins and gourds as possible. Once all the players return with the pumpkins, add the point values of each one's finds and record each teen's score on a piece of paper. The player with the highest amount of points wins the game.
- Fill a large bucket with water, ice and apples. Let each teen take a turn bobbing for an apple. They cannot use their hands to get the apple, only their mouth. Each teen has one minute to try to bite an apple and get it out of the water bucket. If she succeeds, she wins a prize.
Halloween Dare Pop
Halloween Scenes
Pumpkin Hunt
Apple Bobbing