Family & Relationships Weddings

Take This Bread - Incorporating the Sharing of Wine in Your Ceremony

Honoring Tradition, Not Faking It (non-religious) So, one of you is Methodist and the other is Catholic.
Or you are both just spiritual people but one of those in your family is a practicing Catholic or Protestant.
For Catholics at least, if there is not a Eucharist, or Communion, during the ceremony, then it falls short of what they expect and feel is necessary.
There is a wonderful solution to this issue, and it can have a great deal of meaning and appeal to all who attend, Christian or not.
When I am speaking to a couple where one of the two was raised Catholic or one or both of their parents are Catholic, I suggest that the couple to give the Eucharist (same thing as Communion) to one another.
This seems a little odd at first, but when you see it take place in the ceremony, it is beautiful and very rich in meaning.
What including this in the ceremony means to the Catholics in the crowd is difficult to overstate - it is huge.
And protestants, who traditionally take the Eucharist only one a month instead at every mass like Catholics, they appreciate the act just the same.
But you are worried that its too "over the top" religious? Not at all.
Its all in how your ceremony sets up the moment.
I make it a point to say that Christ wanted them to remember when each time they had a meal that we are all one, that God lives on in all of us.
I don't go down the flesh and blood trail with this.
Instead, I couch it in the meaning of the couples "first meal together" as it was Christ's last meal.
Symbolic and beautiful.
Just don't underestimate the meaning that this will have for many who attend your wedding.
Although you might not care at all about the Eucharist, others do.
Its simple to do.
It is very beautiful and will add to the richness of your ceremony, and believe me, once you do it, you'll be glad you did.
And to make it even more meaningful, you can purchase a chalice to be used at other weddings, family weddings, and make it a tradition! Below are two examples of what can be used (one religious, the other not): Sharing of the Wine (non-religious) Throughout history, in nearly all cultures and traditions, the sharing of a cup of wine has been used as a universal, central moment of sharing during significant moments.
For many it symbolizes the celebration of the harvest, the changing seasons of life, or the ultimate personal sacrifice which others have made on our behalf.
Wine is, after all, the result of years of hard work, the tender care of the grape, a thoughtful mix of ingredients, the patient fermenting, and the unique flavors of each year.
So it is fitting that the couple take their first cup of wine as husband and wife, to not only celebrate all that has taken pace in their lives to this point, but as an expression of hope and faith in the harvest of their lives, the commitment they make, the sacrifice of all whom has made this moment possible.
First Communion/Eucharist/Sharing of the First Cup (religious) (verynice if background music is played during this portion of the ceremony) A part of the Christian heritage is the taking of the bread and wine, as Christ did at the last supper, a coming to the table of God and sharing the very spiritually significant experience of communion.
This Bride and Groom have chosen to take their very first communion (or cup or eucharist) as husband and wife in your presence to acknowledge the place that their spiritual heritage will continue to have in their new life together.
As tradition tells us, Christ gathered his disciples the evening before his taking to the cross and shared a meal.
This meal was different than the others before it in that Christ asked that they make special note of the occasion.
Christ knowing of his fate wanted to ensure that each disciple understood that his presence was not fleeting, that Christ was to remain with them always in their hearts, souls, and minds.
So that they would not forget the unity of spirit, he asked that they take the bread and wine together in a Spirit of One.
Officiant holds up host (bread) and says: Christ said something like "Even as you eat bread, remember me.
" And they ate of the bread.
Officiant holds out host for Groom and Bride Groom places the host on the tongue of Bride Bride places the host on the tongue of Groom Officiant holds up wine and says: Christ said something like "When you drink this wine, remember me.
" And they all took of the cup.
Officiant holds out wine for Groom and Bride Groom holds the cup for Bride to drink Bride holds the cup for Groom to drink Officiant: The taking of a meal together, especially when remembering the life and sacrifice of Christ (and others before and after him), ensures that we do not forget that we are all one body, one blood, and one spirit, and that the breaking of bread and sharing of a cup is more than nourishment or the quenching of thirst, but the sharing of ourselves.
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