- Over 15% of the world's population is Sunni according to the ARDA.peregrinacion a la meca image by FRAN from Fotolia.com
The Islamic faith is divided into dozens of denominations and sects due to theological, social and political differences. However, the majority of Muslims are Sunnis. According to the Association of Religious Data Archives (ARDA), Sunni Muslims are the second largest religious group in the world. Members of this sect are known for their strict adherence to religious tenets such as the Five Pillars. The Five Pillars are sacred tasks completed by believers to honor God, the Prophet and one's own spiritual wellbeing. - The first pillar is "Iman," which means "belief." By following Iman, Muslims acknowledge that there is one God, Allah, whose will is expressed in the teachings of the Prophet, Muhammad. These beliefs are the core of Sunni practice and are expressed in a single word, "Shahadah."
- The second Pillar is prayer. Worship is performed five times a day at dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset and evening. A specific set of prayers is recited which re-affirms Iman. Cleanliness, location and mindfulness are all important aspects of Salah reflecting your intentions as a practitioner and your spiritual wellbeing. IslamicAcademy.org describes a generic Salah ritual with over 25 steps.
- "Zakah" is often translated as "alms-giving." Sunnis believe that they have a financial obligation to their communities. Those with steady income and established wealth are expected to pay Zakah. The amount given varies based on the financial stature of the believer. However, even those with limited resources are expected to pay by performing acts of charity and prompting others to contribute. Zakah may be given to benefit the poor, the needy, charities, new converts, slaves, debtors and stranded travelers. Any donation that is given for the love of Allah also qualifies.
- Sawm is the practice of fasting during Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. Fasting is performed to purify and detach oneself from material items. While fasting, additional attention may be placed on proper worship and belief. Those who are physically incapable of fasting are excluded from this obligation.
- The final obligation of Muslims is "Hajj," pilgrimage to Mecca. All able-bodied adults are expected to complete this obligation at least once in a lifetime barring financial limitations. Hajj lasts for several days. Like the other Pillars, Haj requires adherence to specific guidelines to be completed. For example, pilgrims are prohibited from shaving their hair, wearing stitched clothing and game hunting.