Creator told Moses to put the book of the Law in the ark of the covenant of the Lord our God, so that it would be there for a witness against us in the latter days.
He said evil would befall us in the end times, and it appears that evil may soon reach its peak.
Then all "hell" will break loose according to prophesy in the book of Revelation.
Deuteronomy 31:26-29, Revelation 8, Revelation 15.
Who are the ones God wanted the Torah, the Book of Moses, sometimes called the Song of Moses, to witness against in the latter days? It was the Israelites and their descendants many of whom started living wickedly.
These people are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus.
When the Ten Northern Tribes were scattered by Creator, they ended up in many nations of the world.
Many of them are said to be Americans living in the United States.
Many of them are likely assimilated into today's churches.
Why is it so essential that church leaders start teaching the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament? It is primarily because God said the Torah would be a witness against us.
It is essential that we learn to live in harmony with Him as He told us in the Torah.
It is living the teachings of the Torah that will gain us eternal life as Jesus taught.
Luke 10:25-28.
Jesus taught the spiritual aspect of the Torah.
If today's preachers do not teach the Torah, it is very likely that God will hold them accountable for false teachings, if they are aware of this commandment of Creator and they refuse to do it, and choose to teach man's doctrine instead.
In Rev.
15:1-3, we read that the ones who gain victory over the beast, his image, his mark, and the number of his name, are those who are singing the Song of Moses, or in other words, are living and teaching the Torah.
Those who choose to reject the Torah will not survive the coming world cataclysms.
May we each find the path Creator wants us to follow so in the end we will live in wonderful joy and happiness with Him and Jesus, as well as all the prophets and saints.
He said evil would befall us in the end times, and it appears that evil may soon reach its peak.
Then all "hell" will break loose according to prophesy in the book of Revelation.
Deuteronomy 31:26-29, Revelation 8, Revelation 15.
Who are the ones God wanted the Torah, the Book of Moses, sometimes called the Song of Moses, to witness against in the latter days? It was the Israelites and their descendants many of whom started living wickedly.
These people are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus.
When the Ten Northern Tribes were scattered by Creator, they ended up in many nations of the world.
Many of them are said to be Americans living in the United States.
Many of them are likely assimilated into today's churches.
Why is it so essential that church leaders start teaching the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament? It is primarily because God said the Torah would be a witness against us.
It is essential that we learn to live in harmony with Him as He told us in the Torah.
It is living the teachings of the Torah that will gain us eternal life as Jesus taught.
Luke 10:25-28.
Jesus taught the spiritual aspect of the Torah.
If today's preachers do not teach the Torah, it is very likely that God will hold them accountable for false teachings, if they are aware of this commandment of Creator and they refuse to do it, and choose to teach man's doctrine instead.
In Rev.
15:1-3, we read that the ones who gain victory over the beast, his image, his mark, and the number of his name, are those who are singing the Song of Moses, or in other words, are living and teaching the Torah.
Those who choose to reject the Torah will not survive the coming world cataclysms.
May we each find the path Creator wants us to follow so in the end we will live in wonderful joy and happiness with Him and Jesus, as well as all the prophets and saints.