Health & Medical Nutrition

Ten Steps to a Better Digestion

Up to 80% of digestive problems can be avoided by healthy food and balanced nutrition, including foods that contain probiotics. In a world where pollution occurs as breathing and eating, we should try to return to traditional foods - fruits and vegetables, yogurt or bread. To improve and healthy functioning of our digestive system, World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO) offers ten tips worth following.

1. Choose small and frequent meals without increasing total calorie intake. It is much better to take five meals a day less than two to three very consistent.

2. Include dietary fiber from food sources - five portions of fruit and vegetables a day - and increase consumption of whole grains. It is also preferable that the vegetables to be eaten raw, not cooked.

3. Eat fish three to five times a week. Fish is a food with multiple dietary quality, easily digestible and highly nutritious, due to its content of protein, vitamins (A, D, E, B12) and minerals (phosphorus, iodine, potassium).

4. Reduce fat foods, fried in oil. Opt for boiling or, if you cannot avoid fried food use olive oil.

5. Eat fermented milk products, especially probiotics with proven benefits on digestive health. Clinical trials conducted over the years have shown that probiotics (bifidus cultures) benefit the digestive system and general health.

6. It is best to choose low fat meat, such as chicken, turkey, rabbit, or thin slices of beef, pork or lamb. Meat is the main source of protein but also contains vitamins (D, B12) and minerals (iron, zinc, selenium).

7. Drink about two liters of water per day and reduce the consumption of drinks containing sugar, caffeine or alcohol.

8. Give yourself enough time to eat slowly and chew food.

9. Adopt a healthy lifestyle, including playing sports regularly and quitting smoking.

10. Maintain a healthy body mass index. Obese people have more digestive problems. Body mass index (BMI) is calculated by dividing weight height squared. Values above the threshold of 25 are within the overweight.

Tips for improving digestion

€ Consume foods rich in fiber, probiotics, fish meat and water
€ Avoid fried dishes, fat meat, sugary drinks, alcohol and coffee
€ Eat small portions and frequent, thus giving up to rare and substantial meals
€ Be active, trying to practice a lot of exercise
€ Quit smoking

Digestive enzymes are essential for better digestion

We know that often a source of health problems is a disorder of the digestive system. If digestive problems were virtually unknown in the past, today their frequency is increasing. An essential role in the process of digestion have digestive enzymes, they have an essential role in converting food for better assimilation by the body.
We know also that as we get older, our body secretes fewer digestive enzymes. Enzyme activity can be reduced by stress, disease or exhaustion. Symptoms indicating a major enzyme insufficiency are: burns and injuries to the stomach, indigestion, feeling of heaviness in the stomach, bloating, gas, fatigue after rest, diarrhea, food intolerance, loss of appetite, etc.

Researchers have demonstrated that the positive effect of consumption of digestive enzymes can improve the digestive process and eliminate toxins from the body faster. A prolonged deficiency of digestive enzymes can lead to chronic inflammation, halitosis, obesity, migraines.

Calivita natural products for a good digestion

- ProbioBalance is a complex containing three species of probiotics and a total of 4 billion healthy bacteria for the digestive system and colon.

- Digestive enzymes break down meat proteins into amino acids and have a broad spectrum. Digestive Enzymes is a natural product which improves digestion, eliminates the sensation of bloating, flatulation and constipation.

- The composition of alfalfa extract form Green Care natural supplement is beneficial in digestive disorders and is known for its antioxidant and diuretic effect.

- Panax Ginseng - Ginseng is an herb with many health benefits, including fortifying the immune system, increasing appetite for life, regulating blood pressure, eliminating insomnia and relieving digestive disorders.
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