Pets are an important part of our lives and our homes but they do leave lots of hair, dander among other things in our home. We really start to notice it when we want to clean for a holiday party or company.
Dog hair, cat hair, cat vomit, dog vomit, more hair, and hopefully no other types of "accidents" to clean up. Here are some tips to help you clean your pet-loving home for the holidays.
First âEUR" start planning early. It's never too early to start cleaning. This is easy to say and hard to do. But none the less, doing some of the hard grunt work ahead of time can make the last minute stuff a lot easier. For example, don't just vacuum round the furniture, move the furniture. It's amazing what pet toys and "things" you will find. Here are more tips for specific problems.
Pet Hair
Anyone that has a pet knows that it seems to get everywhere. It seems no matter what you wear, it shows up. We did a survey of thousands of pet owners on to find out their favorite ways to deal with pet hair.
In the house - The number one method our pet lovers use to deal with pet hair in their homes is to vacuum, followed by frequent changing of air filters and cleaning of bedding.
Floors - For pet hair on the floor, it's a problem. Depending on your flooring âEUR" brooms, vacuums, or damping mopping can all work. Some of our users thought that the Swifter works really well on tile and hardwood and the Dyson Pet Vac is great on both hardwood and carpet. I have the Dyson Pet Vac and also believe it is a great product for picking up pet hair.
Furniture âEUR" Our favorite techniques for getting pet hair off furniture includes rubber gloves, a dry sponge or cloths. Lots of users like rubber gloves to deal with hair on furniture. Rub the glove over the furniture and the hair comes off. Also, a dry sponge can be used on furniture to help ball up hair. For most, the sponge technique is more effective if slightly dampened. A microfiber cloth dry or dampened also removes hair easily from furniture. Another method you can try is using Velcro-type lint brushes that can work on both furniture and clothes. Bissell makes a set of awesome attachments just for cleaning up pet hair, and they fit all major brand vacuum cleaners. This set is called the Bissell Pet Pack Universal Accessory Kit. It works really well and is inexpensive. It will allow you to vacuum contours on furniture, stairs, crevices and more... and it picks up pet hair easily.
Pet Odors
When most people refer to pet odors, it is often urine that generates the most concern and is discussed in more detail below. The genesis of other pet odors is from hair, dander, drool, and vomit. These odor causing substances can be cleaned by vacuuming or soap/water.
Cleaning up pet vomit can be a little tricky. If on hardwood, you can clean with a routine floor cleaner. If it is on carpet and it is wet, dry it well by blotting with a clean white paper towel. Before using any specific cleaning product, test the color fastness of the carpet by applying the cleaner to a hidden part of the carpet. If the color does not change after 24 hours, it is safe to use. If the carpet cleaning products don't work, you may want to consider steam cleaning.
For more cleaning related topic, check out the links below:
Dog hair, cat hair, cat vomit, dog vomit, more hair, and hopefully no other types of "accidents" to clean up. Here are some tips to help you clean your pet-loving home for the holidays.
First âEUR" start planning early. It's never too early to start cleaning. This is easy to say and hard to do. But none the less, doing some of the hard grunt work ahead of time can make the last minute stuff a lot easier. For example, don't just vacuum round the furniture, move the furniture. It's amazing what pet toys and "things" you will find. Here are more tips for specific problems.
Pet Hair
Anyone that has a pet knows that it seems to get everywhere. It seems no matter what you wear, it shows up. We did a survey of thousands of pet owners on to find out their favorite ways to deal with pet hair.
In the house - The number one method our pet lovers use to deal with pet hair in their homes is to vacuum, followed by frequent changing of air filters and cleaning of bedding.
Floors - For pet hair on the floor, it's a problem. Depending on your flooring âEUR" brooms, vacuums, or damping mopping can all work. Some of our users thought that the Swifter works really well on tile and hardwood and the Dyson Pet Vac is great on both hardwood and carpet. I have the Dyson Pet Vac and also believe it is a great product for picking up pet hair.
Furniture âEUR" Our favorite techniques for getting pet hair off furniture includes rubber gloves, a dry sponge or cloths. Lots of users like rubber gloves to deal with hair on furniture. Rub the glove over the furniture and the hair comes off. Also, a dry sponge can be used on furniture to help ball up hair. For most, the sponge technique is more effective if slightly dampened. A microfiber cloth dry or dampened also removes hair easily from furniture. Another method you can try is using Velcro-type lint brushes that can work on both furniture and clothes. Bissell makes a set of awesome attachments just for cleaning up pet hair, and they fit all major brand vacuum cleaners. This set is called the Bissell Pet Pack Universal Accessory Kit. It works really well and is inexpensive. It will allow you to vacuum contours on furniture, stairs, crevices and more... and it picks up pet hair easily.
Pet Odors
When most people refer to pet odors, it is often urine that generates the most concern and is discussed in more detail below. The genesis of other pet odors is from hair, dander, drool, and vomit. These odor causing substances can be cleaned by vacuuming or soap/water.
Cleaning up pet vomit can be a little tricky. If on hardwood, you can clean with a routine floor cleaner. If it is on carpet and it is wet, dry it well by blotting with a clean white paper towel. Before using any specific cleaning product, test the color fastness of the carpet by applying the cleaner to a hidden part of the carpet. If the color does not change after 24 hours, it is safe to use. If the carpet cleaning products don't work, you may want to consider steam cleaning.
For more cleaning related topic, check out the links below: