Being able to deal effectively with tenants is one of the biggest things that a landlord should concern him or herself with. While one can always secure the services of a property manager, it is no guarantee that the landlord would not have to deal with the tenant. For a landlord though, it is important that he or she understand the different stages of issues that he or she has to deal with regarding to tenants.
By being aware of the possible issues that could crop up, it would be very possible for the tenants to formulate a plan on how to deal with the problem even before it manifests itself. In this article therefore, we will look into the good, the bad, and the ugly issues that a landlord has the potential of dealing with in a rental property business.
First off, let us look at the good issues. This would mean that the tenant is a good one, one that keeps the property in order and pays the rent on time. The only thing you have to be concerned about these tenants is how to keep them as tenants. It is best to show them that you appreciate them being such good tenants. A simple token is giving them discount coupons or similar gifts. By showing them that you appreciate them staying in your property, you could have an easier time convincing them to extend their lease.
Moving on, we look at the bad issues which of course are usually caused by bad tenants. These issues can be small but be on the lookout as these issues could pile up in no time. The best thing to do when it comes to bad issues with tenants is to keep records of your transactions with them. This is so that you would be able to provide evidence of the bad issues if it turns ugly.
The ugly issues should be dealt with swiftly. As stated earlier, if a tenant is showing bad tendencies, it is better to keep an eye on them and record every transaction. Ugly issues like non-payment of rent or willful destruction of the property could be reason enough to evict them. If you have compiled evidences against the tenant, you would have an easier time evicting them or forcing them to pay the rent.
By being aware of these three stages of issues, it would be very easy for landlords to take the proper action as soon as possible.
By being aware of the possible issues that could crop up, it would be very possible for the tenants to formulate a plan on how to deal with the problem even before it manifests itself. In this article therefore, we will look into the good, the bad, and the ugly issues that a landlord has the potential of dealing with in a rental property business.
First off, let us look at the good issues. This would mean that the tenant is a good one, one that keeps the property in order and pays the rent on time. The only thing you have to be concerned about these tenants is how to keep them as tenants. It is best to show them that you appreciate them being such good tenants. A simple token is giving them discount coupons or similar gifts. By showing them that you appreciate them staying in your property, you could have an easier time convincing them to extend their lease.
Moving on, we look at the bad issues which of course are usually caused by bad tenants. These issues can be small but be on the lookout as these issues could pile up in no time. The best thing to do when it comes to bad issues with tenants is to keep records of your transactions with them. This is so that you would be able to provide evidence of the bad issues if it turns ugly.
The ugly issues should be dealt with swiftly. As stated earlier, if a tenant is showing bad tendencies, it is better to keep an eye on them and record every transaction. Ugly issues like non-payment of rent or willful destruction of the property could be reason enough to evict them. If you have compiled evidences against the tenant, you would have an easier time evicting them or forcing them to pay the rent.
By being aware of these three stages of issues, it would be very easy for landlords to take the proper action as soon as possible.