Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Pregnancy Weight Gain Calculator

My husband and I were ecstatic when we learned I was pregnant with our first child.
That night, we had dinner at our favorite restaurant, and I pigged out on steak, baked potatoes and the all-you-can-eat soup, salad and dessert bar.
I'm 5' 8" tall, and had always eaten like a lumberjack without my size 5 jeans ever feeling too tight.
Less than two months later, I had to start wearing maternity clothes because even the size 12 jeans I'd bought were painfully tight.
I hated looking in the mirror and seeing a strange woman with a fat, round face, a double chin that seemed to grow faster than my belly, and upper arms that were well beyond pleasantly plump!My husband didn't complain that a picture should have been on a Led Zeppelin CD cover!Whenever I complained about my weight, he would always hug me and tell me I'd drop the extra pounds after I had the baby.
I knew the extra weight gain wasn't healthy for me or my baby; I was always tired, I didn't want to go out with friends or family, and worst of all I was constantly hungry!!!I did manage, with a lot of hard exercise and stringent dieting, to take most of the weight off by my daughter's second birthday...
just in time to learn I was pregnant again!I was happy about the new pregnancy, but I was determined to keep my weight under control, especially since I'd worked so hard, for so long, to see the real me in the mirror again! I needed to think about why I'd gained so much weight when I was pregnant with my daughter.
And don't you dare say "Well, duh, Miss Piggy!"I know I ate too much of all the wrong foods!What I needed to figure out was where I lost control of my eating habits and my body.
So, one morning, I popped my little sweetie in her stroller for a long thinking WALK.
I was already thinking healthy!As I thought about my first pregnancy, I realized that I'd never before had to manage my weight, and it hadn't occurred to me that with all the changes pregnancy brought to my body, I really shouldn't have expected everything to remain the same as before I got pregnant.
OK, so it was my first baby, and I knew about as much about being pregnant as my husband did-your belly gets big, and nine months later, out pops a baby!But having PMS should have given me a clue about how slam-dancing hormones mess with your body!Anyway, I decided I needed to learn how to manage my weight during my pregnancy, and, believe it or not, I found my perfect solution online! The web site I discovered had a pregnancy weight gain calculator that showed me exactly what weight I should be at every week of my pregnancy!All I had to do was type in my height and my pre-pregnancy weight, click a button, and there was my personal weight gain chart!I was already a few pounds over my target weight, so I was really thankful for the tips included in my chart for how to cut my calorie intake and safely exercise to get to the weight I needed to be.
And that also worked in reverse!During a bad bout of flu, I lost three pounds.
My weight management calculator taught me how to gain back the weight I'd lost.
No, I didn't get to gorge on Twinkies, but I did add a healthy snack bar, or an extra piece of fruit, with a glass of juice or low-fat milk to my diet got a few days.
The rest of my pregnancy was wonderful!I felt great, and had plenty of energy because I was eating the right amounts of nutritious foods, and regularly doing my pregnancy exercises.
I didn't feel starved either, because my body got the nutrients it needed from eating healthy meals and snacks, and taking prenatal vitamins.
One thing that really helped me to manage my weight gain was that I always knew what I should weigh each week!This helped me plan my diet and gave me attainable goals to shoot for.
It really was exciting to weigh each week and see that my regimen was paying off!My husband kept loved how great I looked, and my doctor was amazed that he never had to chide me for gaining too much weight.
When I explained I had the help of my pregnancy weight gain calculator to thank, he gave it a big thumbs up!When my son was born, he weighed a healthy 8 pounds and 12 ounces, and because my body and heart weren't struggling against all that excess weight, my labor was less stressful, and I felt much better afterward than I did after my daughter was born.
Ideally, weight gain management should begin before becoming pregnant, but you can start using the weight gain calculator at any stage of pregnancy.
Make your pregnancy happy and healthy!To find out how, visit the web site below!
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